# Introduction

The Wikitude SDK for Unity is a plugin for Unity3D, that adds augmented reality functionality to a Unity experience. It is optimized for detecting and tracking images and objects to be used in augmented reality experiences either alongside native AR frameworks like ARCore, ARKit, HoloLens, wrappers like AR Foundation, or as a stand-alone tool to power an AR experience.


You are reading guides and documentation for version: 9.13.0 Expert Edition. You can find details on changes for this version and migration guides in the respective chapters.

# Key features

Using the Wikitude SDK for Unity you will be able to use the following features


The positional tracking features are not available for the UWP platform.

# How does Wikitude SDK relate to ...

# ARKit and ARCore

The Wikitude SDK is extending the functionality of ARKit and ARCore by features that are not present in those native AR frameworks or come with different quality standards compared to the implementation in the Wikitude SDK. In that sense, the Wikitude SDK can be seen as an extension of ARKit and ARCore.


However, using ARKit and ARCore next to the Wikitude SDK is entirely optional.

Experiences that only require fast and reliable image and object tracking can use the Wikitude SDK as a standalone library in Unity that brings everything necessary with it.

# Unity and AR Foundation

The Wikitude SDK can both leverage AR Foundation from Unity or work entirely independently. While AR Foundation is a great wrapper of ARCore, ARKit and other native AR frameworks, it does not bring any additional AR features to the table.

# OpenCV

OpenCV is a great library for trying out different computer vision approaches but is hardly optimized for being used on mobile hardware. Wikitude SDK has built its own performance optimized core algorithms.

# Support and other materials

# The Wikitude Developer Portal

The Wikitude Developer Section should be your first stop when you have specific development related questions. The portal hosts a very active Developer Community Forum where Wikitude staff members are constantly assisting other developers with helpful tips and advice. You can find How-To's and a constantly evolving FAQ section there as well.

# Feedback and Contact

We are always interested in your feedback and suggestions how we can improve this documentation. Please use the contact form on our website or visit us on LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter.