
Wikitude, in cooperation with SAP and Marenco, presented 3D augmented helicopter on smart glasses at Augmented World Expo

Santa Clara, 10th June 2014 – At the annual Augmented World Expo, where the global augmented reality (AR) industry gathered once again to innovate, revolutionize and dream, Wikitude surprised with its latest augmented reality innovation. In cooperation with the SAP® Co-Innovation Lab and Marenco Swissconsulting AG, the AR leader demonstrated how enterprise customers can leverage augmented reality technology to add value and efficiencies to their business processes.

Hands-free Enterprise Application

With the latest augmented reality smart glasses in front of your eyes and by simply “looking” at the unique glass cockpit of Marenco’s helicopter at the Wikitude booth, information drawn from the SAP solution on the backend was displayed instructing users how to disassemble a turbine step by step. The information provided ranged from augmented multimedia content like video and audio to complex 3D objects containing metadata. When used together with SAP 3D Visual Enterprise applications, these industrial solutions are taken to the next level to address the needs of enterprise product lifecycle management. Beside Google Glass, the demonstration was also experienced on Epson’s Moverio BT-200 as well as Vuzix’s M100 smart glasses. Wikitude’s augmented reality software development kit (SDK) has been optimized for these wearable smart glasses and provides the underlying platform for hands-free business applications.

Google Glass AR SDKEpson Moverio AR SDK

“There is an increasing demand for augmented reality applications in the enterprise sector, and we are thrilled to cooperate with both SAP and Marenco to show today what business applications on mobile devices and wearables will look like in the very near future,” said Andy Gstoll, CMO Wikitude.

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