A highly detailed twelve-inch toy Robot, based on the Mech-X4 action television series from the Disney Channel and Disney XD, is being controlled by a wrist worn Mech-Link motion sensor band to battle monsters in an augmented reality environment. Bandai America Inc., a leader in developing engaging, quality toys, used Wikitude technology to provide the interactive AR battle experience.
By Red Piston
The manufacturer and master toy licensee of some of the most popular brands in children’s toys and interactive entertainment today, Bandai America Inc., stepped up its game by adding an innovative augmented reality experience possibility to one of their awesome Disney based products.Customers that buy the Mech-X4 12″ Technopathy Robot, which is sold with a motion sensor Mech-Link Band, are encouraged to download the free Disney Mech-X4 Robot AR Battle app to unlock a highly interactive augmented reality monster battle game – available on the App Store and Google Play Store.Using a smart device and assisted by the wrist worn Mech-Link band, users can control the movements of the AR robot with five unique actions: “Mech-execute” to power up, Right punch, Left jab, Activate defense shields and Repair mode. The final purpose of the game is to defeat all the monsters from the show to save Bay City from total destruction.Users level up, earn Monster Hearts and learn new battle techniques throughout the four battle modes: Agility, Weapons, Defense Shield, and Repair.By offering a whole new way to play, Bandai added extra value and alternative interest to their product.To bring the digital battle to life, Wikitude’s SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) solution was put into action. The state-of-the-art markerless instant tracking technology allows the interactive robot x monster AR battles to take place in the real world.
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