OCP Maintenance Solutions

OCP Maintenance Solutions is an asset management consultancy and software development company specialized in advanced reliability and maintenance 4.0 solutions for the service of multiple industries.

Wikitude Premium Partner – OCP Maintenance Solutions

OCP Maintenance Solutions - Wikitude Partner for Augmented Reality Projects

OCP Maintenance Solutions is an innovative company providing a range of cutting-edge IIoT solutions aimed at providing enhanced availability to industrial equipment. Faster reactions to disruptive changes, robust integration to IIoT initiatives, analytics-focused data aggregation, are the main services provided by OCP-MS.

Company Info

OCP Maintenance Solutions


Route Jorf Lyoudi B.P 219 46 000
46 000 Safi

Company Email

Company Description

OCP Maintenance Solutions is an asset management consultancy and software development company specialized in advanced reliability and maintenance 4.0 solutions for the service of multiple industries. Through a wide range of cutting-edge IIOT, AR/VR, Big Data, Data Analytics, and Machine Learning technologies, it developed highly trusted software toolkits and creative applications for world-class maintenance.

Since 2017, OCP Maintenance Solutions has delivered a number of challenging projects specialized in:

Industrial IoT solutions
Big Data, AI, Machine Learning
Web and mobile application development
Third-party integrations
Maintenance 4.0 Systems Integrations
AR/VR for assets data monitoring
AR/VR for on-field equipment maintenance
AR/VR for industrial trainings

OCP Maintenance Solutions develop platforms and applications that meet the needs of their customers. They study each case and provide rapid PoC and prototypes to offer the best solutions to meet the objectives of each client.