
Camera Controls

The WikitudeCamera also provides APIs to change the settings on the device camera.

The first category of settings are visible and editable directly in the inspector of the WikitudeCamera, while the second category can only be changed through scripting. Please also see the Camera Controls - Camera Settings scene for an example on how to use them.

Inspector Settings

Enable Camera Rendering

By default, the WikitudeCamera script will render the camera frames in the background of your scene. By disabling this option, the Wikitude SDK will stop doing any kind of rendering. This also means that the WikitudeCamera script doesn't need a camera component to be attached to the same GameObject.

Static Camera

By default, the WikitudeCamera script will move its GameObject in world space to correspond what the real camera is seeing. When the Static Camera option is enabled, the WikitudeCamera GameObject will never move and all the trackables will be moved relative to the camera instead. Additionally, you can move the WikitudeCamera GameObject yourself and the trackables will follow it accordingly.

Camera Resolution

The Camera Resolution setting indicates which resolution you would like to use. Available options are SD, HD and FullHD. If the desired resolution is not available, the closest available resolution will be used instead. You can also select Auto and the SDK will select a resolution based on the capabilities of the device.

Camera Framerate

The Camera Framerate setting allows you to select between 30 FPS and 60 FPS. If 60 FPS is selected, but the device doesn't support it, 30 FPS will be used instead. You can also select Auto and the SDK will select a framerate based on the capabilities of the device.

Script Only Settings

Camera position

The DevicePosition property enables you to change between the back and front camera of the device.

Focus Mode

The FocusMode property can change the camera focus mode between Locked, which will keep the current focus, Once, which will try to focus the camera only once and Continuous which will constantly adapt the focus of the camera to changes in the view.

Manual Focus

The ManualFocus property allows the focal length to be set at a custom distance when the FocusMode is set to Locked. The property accepts values from 0 to 1, where 0 means focusing the camera as close as possible.

Flash Mode

The FlashMode property allows you to turn on the camera flash.

Zoom Level

The ZoomLevel property changes the zoom level used by the camera. Valid values are between 1.0 and MaxZoomLevel. Be sure tu query the MaxZoomLevel property first. A MaxZoomLevel value of 1.0 indicates that the device doesn't support zooming.

Auto Focus Restriction (iOS only)

The AutoFocusRestriction property let's you restrict the auto focus on the camera to either Near or Far. By default it is not restricted.

Ignore Trackable Scale

When the IgnoreTrackableScale property is enabled, the camera ignores the scaling of the trackable for tracking purposes and assumes it to be 1.0f. When doing a TransformOverride that also changes the scale of the trackables, this should be set to true.

Focus at point of interest

The camera focus point of interest can be changed using the WikitudeCamera.FocusAtPointOfInterest API. Specifying a custom focus point of interest might change the focus mode if it's not Once already.

The parameter given to this method call is the screen coordinate at which the underlying camera should focus at. The range is from 0/0 to Screen.width/Screen.height. The actual values can either be chosen manually or received through the usage of a e.g. Input.mousePosition method. Device orientation changes are considered in the internal SDK implementation.

Expose at point of interest

The camera exposure point of interest can be changed using WikitudeCamera.ExposeAtPointOfInterest API. Specifying a custom exposure point of interest might change the exposure mode if it's not Once already.

The parameter given to this method call is the screen coordinate at which the underlying camera should focus at. The range is from 0/0 to Screen.width/Screen.height. The actual values can either be chosen manually or received through the usage of a e.g. Input.mousePosition method. Device orientation changes are considered in the internal SDK implementation.

External camera support

On supported platform (UWP), Wikitude SDK can use external cameras. External camera support can be checked with WikitudeCamera.IsCameraListSupported. In the sample, we replace the Camera Position selector with a list of available camera. The camera list is queried with WikitudeCamera.GetCameraList with a callback parameter that will return the number of available cameras. The camera name can be requested with a call to WikitudeCamera.GetCameraName with the camera Index as a parameter. The current active camera can be queried with WikitudeCamera.GetActiveCameraIndex. Finally, you can set the active camera to use by calling WikitudeCamera.SetActiveCamera.

Hot-plugging camera at runtime is not supported by the Wikitude SDK. For proper use of external cameras, ensure the camera is connected before starting the SDK, and that it stays connected during the lifetime of the application.