Wikitude SDK API Reference

API Docs for: 9.12.0

Label Class

Extends Drawable2D
Module: AR

A Label drawable represents an ARObject as text.

On creation, setup parameters can be passed to customize the properties of the Label.

//create a new label and pass some setup parameters
var label = new AR.Label("", 20, {
  translate : { x: 1 },
  onClick : function() {
    label.text += "CLICK "
  opacity : 0.1



  • text
  • height
  • options


  • text String

    The text to be displayed on the Label.

  • height Number

    The height of the Label, in SDUs

  • options Object optional

    Setup-Parameters to customize additional object properties.

    Accepted options-properties are

    • enabled (defaults to true) Boolean optional
    • mirrored (defaults to true) Boolean optional
    • onClick Function optional
    • onDragBegan Function optional
    • onDragChanged Function optional
    • onDragEnded Function optional
    • onPanBegan Function optional
    • onPanChanged Function optional
    • onPanEnded Function optional
    • onRotationBegan Function optional
    • onRotationChanged Function optional
    • onRotationEnded Function optional
    • onScaleBegan Function optional
    • onScaleChanged Function optional
    • onScaleEnded Function optional
    • rotate.x (defaults to 0) Number optional
    • rotate.y (defaults to 0) Number optional
    • rotate.z (defaults to 0) Number optional
    • (defaults to 0) Number optional
    • (defaults to 0) Number optional
    • (defaults to 0) Number optional
    • translate.x (defaults to 0) Number optional
    • translate.y (defaults to 0) Number optional
    • translate.z (defaults to 0) Number optional
    • (defaults to 0) Number optional
    • (defaults to 0) Number optional
    • (defaults to 0) Number optional
    • scale.x (defaults to 1) Number optional
    • scale.y (defaults to 1) Number optional
    • scale.z (defaults to 1) Number optional
    • horizontalAnchor (defaults to AR.CONST.HORIZONTAL_ANCHOR.CENTER) Object optional
    • verticalAnchor (defaults to AR.CONST.VERTICAL_ANCHOR.MIDDLE) Object optional
    • zOrder (defaults to 0) Number optional
    • opacity (defaults to 1) Number optional
    • style.backgroundColor String optional
    • style.textColor String optional
    • style.fontStyle Number optional




Inherited from ARchitectObject

Destroys the object.


() BoundingRectangle

Inherited from Drawable2D

Returns the BoundingRectangle for this Drawable2D. In case of an error, null will be returned.



the BoundingRectangle for the Drawable2D




Inherited from ARchitectObject

Indicates if the object has already been destroyed.



Inherited from Drawable

Flag to enable/disable the Drawable. If the Drawable is disabled, it will never appear on the screen and triggers on this Drawable will never be fired. In case it is enabled, it can be rendered on the screen and fire triggers.

Default: true



The height of the Label, in SDUs. Effectively, this will define the size of the Label.



Inherited from Drawable2D

The horizontal anchor defines which pixel (in a horizontal pixel row) of the Drawable2D will be placed right at the screen position of the GeoObject represented by the Drawable2D.

Valid values are defined in AR.CONST.HORIZONTAL_ANCHOR. For example, if LEFT is set as horizontal anchor of an ImageDrawable, the image's left edge will match the calculated position of the Drawable2D.

The default horizontal anchor points is dependent on the concrete class of the Drawable2D.



Inherited from Drawable

Flag to enable/disable mirroring for this Drawable. When using the front camera, a mirrored drawable will be rotated 180 degree around its y axis.

Default: true for generic drawables, false for labels and HTMLDrawables


Number deprecated

Inherited from Drawable2D

Deprecated: Use translate.x instead.


Number deprecated

Inherited from Drawable2D

Deprecated: Use translate.x instead.



Inherited from Drawable2D

A value within the interval from 0.0 to 1.0 defining the opacity of the entire Drawable2D. A value of 0 indicates full transparency, a value of 1 indicates full opacity.

Default: 1



Inherited from Drawable

Defines the rotation of the Drawable around its center. This property can be used to set the x, y and z components simultaneously in a single call to the native side of the Wikitude SDK for maximum performance. The Object may contain x, y and z or any subset thereof.


Inherited from Drawable

Defines a rotation of the Drawable around the x-axis of the target image, specified in degrees. Values will be applied modulo 360. A value of 361 degrees has the same effect as setting the value to 1 degree. All global transformations will be applied after the local transformations.

Default: 0


Inherited from Drawable

Defines a rotation of the Drawable around the y-axis of the target image, specified in degrees. Values will be applied modulo 360. A value of 361 degrees has the same effect as setting the value to 1 degree. All global transformations will be applied after the local transformations.

Default: 0


Inherited from Drawable

Defines a rotation of the Drawable around the z-axis of the target image, specified in degrees. Values will be applied modulo 360. A value of 361 degrees has the same effect as setting the value to 1 degree. All global transformations will be applied after the local transformations.

Default: 0


Number deprecated

Inherited from Drawable

Deprecated: Use rotate.y or instead.


Number deprecated

Inherited from Drawable

Deprecated: Use rotate.z or instead.


Number deprecated

Inherited from Drawable

Deprecated: Use rotate.x or instead.



Inherited from Drawable

Defines a rotation of the Drawable around the x-axis of the Drawable, specified in degrees. Values will be applied modulo 360. A value of 361 degrees has the same effect as setting the value to 1 degree.

Default: 0



Inherited from Drawable

Defines a rotation of the Drawable around the y-axis of the Drawable, specified in degrees. Values will be applied modulo 360. A value of 361 degrees has the same effect as setting the value to 1 degree.

Default: 0



Inherited from Drawable

Defines a rotation of the Drawable around the z-axis of the Drawable, specified in degrees. Values will be applied modulo 360. A value of 361 degrees has the same effect as setting the value to 1 degree.

Default: 0



Inherited from Drawable

Defines if the drawable is oriented to face the camera. This is only possible for Drawables attached to a GeoObject.

Default: true for generic drawables, false for Models


Number deprecated

Inherited from Drawable2D

Deprecated: Use rotate.z instead.


Number deprecated

Inherited from Drawable

Deprecated: Use scale.x and scale.y instead.



Inherited from Drawable

The scale in x-direction. Must be non-negative.

Default: 1



Inherited from Drawable

The scale in y-direction. Must be non-negative.

Default: 1



Inherited from Drawable

The scale in z-direction. Must be non-negative.

Default: 1



The Style to be passed. Valid values are:




The text of the label.



Inherited from Drawable

Defines the translation of the Drawable. This property can be used to set the x, y and z components simultaneously in a single call to the native side of the Wikitude SDK for maximum performance. The Object may contain x, y and z or any subset thereof.


Inherited from Drawable

The horizontal offset to the calculated position of the Drawable, in SDUs. A positive x causes the Drawable to move right, a negative x causes it to move left. All global transformations will be applied after the local transformations.

Default: 0


Inherited from Drawable

The vertical offset to the calculated position of the Drawable, in SDUs. A positive y causes the Drawable to move up, a negative y causes it to move down. All global transformations will be applied after the local transformations.

Default: 0


Inherited from Drawable

The depth-offset to the calculated position of the Drawable, in SDUs. A positive z causes the Drawable to move towards the user, a negative z causes it to move away. All global transformations will be applied after the local transformations.

Default: 0



Inherited from Drawable

The horizontal offset to the calculated position of the Drawable, in SDUs. A positive x causes the Drawable to move right, a negative x causes it to move left.

Default: 0



Inherited from Drawable

The vertical offset to the calculated position of the Drawable, in SDUs. A positive y causes the Drawable to move up, a negative y causes it to move down.

Default: 0



Inherited from Drawable

The depth-offset to the calculated position of the Drawable, in SDUs. A positive z causes the Drawable to move towards the user, a negative z causes it to move away.

Default: 0



Inherited from Drawable2D

The vertical anchor defines which pixel (in a vertical pixel column) of the Drawable2D will be placed right at the screen position of the GeoObject represented by the Drawable2D.

Valid values are defined in AR.CONST.VERTICAL_ANCHOR. For example, if TOP is set as horizontal anchor of an Image, the image's top edge will match the calculated position of the Drawable2D.

The default vertical anchor points is dependent on the concrete class of the Drawable2D.



Inherited from Drawable2D

If multiple Drawable2Ds are assigned to a certain GeoObject, the zOrder defines the drawing order of these Drawables. In case the Drawables overlap, the Drawable with the higher zOrder value is rendered on top of the others (e.g. a Drawable with zOrder 1 is rendered on top of a Drawable of zOrder 0, which again is rendered on top of -1). In case Drawables have the same zOrder defined, and they overlap, the behavior is undefined and might cause unexpected results, thus it is good practice to define the zOrder for potentially overlapping Drawables.

To specify the rendering order of the Drawables of different GeoObjects, refer to GeoObject.renderingOrder.

Must be a whole number.

Default: 0



Inherited from Drawable

When the Drawable is clicked, the system will trigger Drawable.onClick(ARObject). A click on the screen might hit multiple Drawables, thus a click creates a "clicked Drawables-queue", with the uppermost Drawable in the front of the queue. The return value of the function determines if, after the onClick()-Function was executed for this Drawable, the queue shall continue to execute onClick() for the next Drawable in the queue. In case the last Drawable in the queue still requests to continue the click-queue, ARObject.onClick() will be executed. If the queue still continues, context.onScreenClick() will be executed.

The return value of the function determines what happens next. If false, the click-queue should not stop with this Drawable. Thus, the next Drawable's onClick() function will be executed. This is the default value in case no return value is set or the function is not defined for this Drawable. If true, the queue-execution will stop at the current Drawable, underlying Drawables will not receive onClick() calls.

Event Payload:

  • arObject ARObject

    the ARObject the clicked Drawable is attached to.

    The trigger is null by default, and will thus result in no action executed when the trigger fires. A developer can add custom functionality by assigning a custom function to onClick.


Inherited from Drawable

Executed when the user starts dragging on a Drawable with a single finger. This callback behaves identically to the onClick callback in terms of event propagation.

Event Payload:

  • xNormalized Number

    the distance on the X-axis between the initiating touch position and the updated touch position [-1, 1]; always 0 in onDragBegan as no change to the drag gesture has occurred yet

  • yNormalized Number

    the distance on the Y-axis between the initiating touch position and the updated touch position [-1, 1]; always 0 in onDragBegan as no change to the drag gesture has occurred yet

  • xIntersection Number

    the world space X-coordinate of the intersection position of the initiating touch ray and the instant tracking plane [-infinity, infinity]; undefined if no InstantTrackable is available

  • xIntersection Number

    the world space X-coordinate of the intersection position of the initiating touch ray and the instant tracking plane [-infinity, infinity]; undefined if no InstantTrackable is available


Inherited from Drawable

Executed when the user drags on a Drawable with a single finger. This callback behaves identically to the onClick callback in terms of event propagation.

Event Payload:

  • xNormalized Number

    the distance on the X-axis between the initiating touch position and the updated touch position [-1, 1]

  • yNormalized Number

    the distance on the Y-axis between the initiating touch position and the updated touch position [-1, 1]

  • xIntersection Number

    the world space X-coordinate of the intersection position of the updated touch ray and the instant tracking plane [-infinity, infinity]; undefined if no InstantTrackable is available

  • xIntersection Number

    the world space X-coordinate of the intersection position of the updated touch ray and the instant tracking plane [-infinity, infinity]; undefined if no InstantTrackable is available


Inherited from Drawable

Executed when the user stops dragging on a Drawable with a single finger. This callback behaves identically to the onClick callback in terms of event propagation.

Event Payload:

  • xNormalized Number

    the distance on the X-axis between the initiating touch position and the updated touch position [-1, 1]; always identical to the most recent distance received in onDragChanged

  • yNormalized Number

    the distance on the Y-axis between the initiating touch position and the updated touch position [-1, 1]; always identical to the most recent distance received in onDragChanged

  • xIntersection Number

    the world space X-coordinate of the intersection position of the final touch ray and the instant tracking plane [-infinity, infinity]; undefined if no InstantTrackable is available

  • xIntersection Number

    the world space X-coordinate of the intersection position of the final touch ray and the instant tracking plane [-infinity, infinity]; undefined if no InstantTrackable is available


Inherited from Drawable

Executed when the user starts dragging on a Drawable with two fingers. This callback behaves identically to the onClick callback in terms of event propagation.

Event Payload:

  • xNormalized Number

    the distance on the X-axis between the initiating touch positions and the updated touch positions [-1, 1]; always 0 in onPanBegan as no change to the pan gesture has occurred yet; the mid-points between the first and second touches are used to calculate the distances to allow co-operative behaviour with the scale and rotate gesture

  • yNormalized Number

    the distance on the Y-axis between the initiating touch position and the updated touch position [-1, 1]; always 0 in onPanBegan as no change to the pan gesture has occurred yet; the mid-points between the first and second touches are used to calculate the distances to allow co-operative behaviour with the scale and rotate gesture


Inherited from Drawable

Executed when the user drags on a Drawable with two fingers. This callback behaves identically to the onClick callback in terms of event propagation.

Event Payload:

  • xNormalized Number

    the distance on the X-axis between the initiating touch positions and the updated touch positions [-1, 1]; the mid-points between the first and second touches are used to calculate the distances to allow co-operative behaviour with the scale and rotate gesture

  • yNormalized Number

    the distance on the Y-axis between the initiating touch position and the updated touch position [-1, 1]; the mid-points between the first and second touches are used to calculate the distances to allow co-operative behaviour with the scale and rotate gesture


Inherited from Drawable

Executed when the user stops dragging on a Drawable with two fingers. This callback behaves identically to the onClick callback in terms of event propagation.

Event Payload:

  • xNormalized Number

    the distance on the X-axis between the initiating touch positions and the updated touch positions [-1, 1]; always identical to the most recent distance received in onPanChanged; the mid-points between the first and second touches are used to calculate the distances to allow co-operative behaviour with the scale and rotate gesture

  • yNormalized Number

    the distance on the Y-axis between the initiating touch position and the updated touch position [-1, 1]; always identical to the most recent distance received in onPanChanged; the mid-points between the first and second touches are used to calculate the distances to allow co-operative behaviour with the scale and rotate gesture


Inherited from Drawable

Executed when the user starts rotating on a Drawable with two fingers. This callback behaves identically to the onClick callback in terms of event propagation.

Event Payload:

  • angle Number

    the CCW angle in degree between the line defined by the initiating touch positions and the line defined by the updated touch positions [0, 360); always 0 in onRotationBegan as no change to the rotation gesture has occurred yet


Inherited from Drawable

Executed when the user rotates on a Drawable with two fingers. This callback behaves identically to the onClick callback in terms of event propagation.

Event Payload:

  • angle Number

    the CCW angle in degree between the line defined by the initiating touch positions and the line defined by the updated touch positions [0, 360)


Inherited from Drawable

Executed when the user stops rotating on a Drawable with two fingers. This callback behaves identically to the onClick callback in terms of event propagation.

Event Payload:

  • angle Number

    the CCW angle in degree between the line defined by the initiating touch positions and the line defined by the updated touch positions [0, 360); always identical to the most recent angle received in onRotationChanged


Inherited from Drawable

Executed when the user starts scaling on a Drawable with two fingers. This callback behaves identically to the onClick callback in terms of event propagation.

Event Payload:

  • scale Number

    the scale value defined the ratio of the distance between the updated touches over the distance between the initiating touches [0, inf]; always 1 in onScaleBegan as no change to the scale gesture has occurred yet


Inherited from Drawable

Executed when the user scales on a Drawable with two fingers. This callback behaves identically to the onClick callback in terms of event propagation.

Event Payload:

  • scale Number

    the scale value defined the ratio of the distance between the updated touches over the distance between the initiating touches [0, inf]


Inherited from Drawable

Executed when the user stops scaling on a Drawable with two fingers. This callback behaves identically to the onClick callback in terms of event propagation.

Event Payload:

  • scale Number

    the scale value defined the ratio of the distance between the updated touches over the distance between the initiating touches [0, inf]; always identical to the most recent scale received in onScaleChanged