Wikitude SDK API Reference

API Docs for: 4.0.2

context Class

Module: AR

context includes some general functions which allow interaction with system components.

The Singleton instance of the class will automatically be created on World startup and can be accessed via AR.context.

context also allows for some custom functionality, for example onLocationChanged, which will be triggered by the system as soon as the user's location changes. It enables the developer to find out about the user's location and thus setup the AR scene to his needs.

AR.context.onLocationChanged = function(latitude, longitude, altitude, accuracy){
  //now, add custom functionality to build the AR scene based on the location




Destroys all objects.

See AR.ARchitectObject.destroy() for effects of this call.


  • url
  • forceNativeBrowser

Opens the specified url in the native Browser. If forceNativeBrowser is true, the URL will be opened in the native browser (e.g. Safari on iOS), otherwise it will be opened in a new webview.


  • url String

    the url to be opened

  • forceNativeBrowser (defaults to false) Boolean optional

    open URL in native browser (true) or in a webview within the application (false).


  • uri

Starts the native video player and plays the video at the specified URI. Will close the video player automatically when the video finished.


  • uri String

    the uri to the video




clickBehavior controls what should be considered a click. The following options are available:

  • AR.CONST.CLICK_BEHAVIOR.CLICK: the platform considers a click only when the user presses and releases the screen at the same screen region. The click is fired after the user releases the finger from the screen
  • AR.CONST.CLICK_BEHAVIOR.TOUCH_DOWN: click fires as soon as the user touches the screen
  • AR.CONST.CLICK_BEHAVIOR.TOUCH_UP: click fires as soon as the user puts the finger off the screen, regardless of where the user started the touch on the screen.




Turns the device flashlight on or off. Use the isFlashlightAvailable property to check if the device has a flashlight or not. If the device has no flashlight and the property is set to true, this will have no effect.

Default: false



true if the device has a flashlight, false otherwise.

Note that the following permissions are required on Android:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.FLASHLIGHT"/>
<uses-feature android:name="" />

Default: false



The maximum distance at which objects are visible in the scene, in meters. If an object's distance to the user is further than the culling distance, the object will not be visible in the scene. Must be a positive whole number.

Default: 50000



The amount of scaling that is applied to all drawables in the scene. Use this value to alter the drawable size on different devices so that the world appears in a common look when running on different devices.

Must be in the range of [-1, MAX_FLOAT].

Setting the global scale to 0 will scale all drawables to a size of 0.
Setting the global scale to -1 indicates that the SDK should calculate the value by itself, so that all drawables are equal in pixel size among different devices.

Automatic Scaling
The reference device is a 4 inch iPhone screen (e.g. iPhone 5). All other devices will adjust there global scale so that drawables will appear in the size as if the world would run on the reference device.

Default: 1.0



The distance, in meters, at which objects will keep their size on the screen even when the user moves further away. If the user is further than maxScalingDistance, the object will not appear any smaller than the size it took on at maxScalingDistance. Must be a positive whole number.

Default: 20000



The distance, in meters, at which objects will start to appear smaller on the screen when the user moves further away. If the user is closer than minScalingDistance, the object will not appear any bigger than the size it took on at minScalingDistance. Must be a positive whole number.

Default: 10



The amount of scaling that is applied between minScalingDistance and maxScalingDistance. The scalingFactor controls the size the object takes on at maxScalingDistance, in percentage of the size it took on at minScalingDistance.

Must be in the range of [0,1].

Set the scalingFactor to 1 if no scaling should be applied for the objects.

Default: 0.1


Controls if the camera is active or not.

If the property is set to true, the camera is visible on the screen, and computer vision components are activated. If the property is set to false, the camera will be disabled, a black background will be visible and computer vision components are specifically deactivated.

It is recommended to disable the camera service temporarily when fullscreen HTML is shown. This reduces power consumption and increases performance.

Default: true



Controls if the sensors are active or not. Sensors include GPS, mangetometer, accelerometer and gyroscope.

If the property is set to true, any geo-related components (such as GeoObjects and ActionRanges) are active. If the property is set to false, any geo-related components will not be visible on the screen, and triggers will not fire.

It is recommended to disable the sensors service when only computer vision components are used. This reduces power consumption and increases performance.

Default: true



Returns the Wikitude SDK version number. The string is formatted in a dot notation with a major, minor and bugfix part. E.g. 4.0.0



The function will be called as soon as

  • the location is fetched the first time, or
  • the location of the user changes.

The trigger is null by default, and will thus result in no action executed when the trigger fires. A developer can add custom functionality by assigning a custom function to onLocationChanged.

Event Payload:

  • latitude Number

    the current latitude of the user, based on WGS84

  • longitude Number

    the current longitude of the user, based on WGS84

  • altitude Number

    the current altitude of the user, based on WGS84

  • accuracy Number

    The accuracy of the reported location, see AR.CONST.LOCATION_ACCURACY for details


Executed when the user clicks on the screen, no HTML element was hit and either

  • no Drawable was hit on the click, or
  • Drawables were hit on the click, but even the last Drawable in the click queue returned false in its onClick trigger.

See AR.Drawable.onClick() for details on the click-queue.