Wikitude ARchitect v3.2 API Documentation

Wikitude ARchitect > AR > Animation

Class Animation - extends ARchitectObject

Known Subclasses:
AnimationGroup ModelAnimation PropertyAnimation
Animations allow constant changes to numeric values/properties of an object.

Animations can be seen as functions defining the progress of the change on the value.

It is an abstract class that must not be instantiated directly.

Properties inherited from ARchitectObject:



boolean isRunning ( )
Checks if the Animation is currently running.
Returns: boolean
  • true if the Animation is currently running.
  • false if the Animation is currently not running.


void onFinish ( )
The trigger will fire when the Animation finishes.

The trigger is null by default, and will thus result in no action executed when the trigger fires. A developer can add custom functionality by assigning a custom function to onFinish.
Returns: void


void onStart ( )
The trigger will fire right before the Animation starts.

The trigger is null by default, and will thus result in no action executed when the trigger fires. A developer can add custom functionality by assigning a custom function to onStart.
Returns: void


void pause ( )
Pauses the Animation.
If the PropertyAnimation is currently not running, the call will have no effect.
Returns: void


void resume ( )
Resumes the Animation.
If the PropertyAnimation is currently running, the call has no effect. Otherwise, it will either be resumed from the position where it was last paused, or will start from the beginning if it was not paused.
Returns: void


void start ( loopTimes )
Immediately starts the Animation.
loopTimes <int> Defines how often the animation should be played. A negative value indicates an infinite looping.
The parameter is optional and defaults to 1.
Returns: void


void stop ( )
Immediately stops the Animation. Allows manual stopping of the Animation before the animation would automatically stop. The onFinish-trigger will not be fired after a manual stopping.
Returns: void

Methods inherited from ARchitectObject:

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