Wikitude ARchitect v3.2 API Documentation

Wikitude ARchitect > AR > ActionArea

Class ActionArea - extends ARchitectObject

Known Subclasses:
An ActionArea defines a certain geo area where actions should be executed on enter and on exit. An ActionArea is a 2-dimensional area, altitude will be ignored. As soon as the user enters the ActionArea, onEnter() will be executed (in case the function is defined). When the user leaves the ActionArea, onExit() will be executed (in case the function is defined).

The boundary of the ActionArea is a part of the Action Area, thus an object located right at the boundary of an ActionArea will be considered to be in the ActionArea.

ActionArea is a superclass for other classes and must not be directly instantiated by the developer.


enabled - boolean

Flag to enable/disable the ActionArea. If the ActionArea is disabled, triggers on this ActionArea will never be fired. In case it is enabled, it can fire triggers.

Properties inherited from ARchitectObject:



boolean isInArea ( geoLocation )
checks if a certain location is within this ActionArea.
geoLocation <GeoLocation> the GeoLocation that should be checked.
Returns: boolean
  • true if the geoLocation passed to the method is within the ActionArea
  • false if the geoLocation passed to the method is not in the ActionArea


void onEnter ( )
The trigger is executed when the user enters the ActionArea.

The trigger is null by default, and will thus result in no action executed when the trigger fires. A developer can add custom functionality by assigning a custom function to onEnter.
Returns: void


void onExit ( )
The trigger is executed when the user leaves the ActionArea.

The trigger is null by default, and will thus result in no action executed when the trigger fires. A developer can add custom functionality by assigning a custom function to onExit.
Returns: void

Methods inherited from ARchitectObject:

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