Wikitude Unity Plugin
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 CWikitude.CameraFrameA class that contains color frames, along with their metadata.
 CWikitude.CameraFramePlaneA single plane of image data.
 CWikitude.CloudRecognitionServiceResponseThe response received from the CloudRecognitionService after initiating a recognition request.
 CWikitude.ColorCameraFrameMetadataA struct that encapsulates additional information about color camera frames.
 CWikitude.ErrorError class that encapsulates additional information. Used thought the SDK when something goes wrong.
 CWikitude.InstantTargetRestorationConfigurationA configuration object for instant targets.
 CWikitude.PlatformBaseBase class used for platform dependent compilation. For internal use only.
 CWikitude.PluginPlugins can be used to get the camera frames from the SDK for additional processing. If the plugin has an input module, it can be used to feed camera frames to the SDK from other sources.
 CWikitude.RecognizedTargetBase class for target classes. Intended for internal use only and should not be derived from.
 CWikitude.ImageTargetAn image target contains information about a tracked target.
 CWikitude.InstantTargetAn instant target contains information about the tracked scene.
 CWikitude.ObjectTargetAn object target contains information about a tracked target.
 CWikitude.SDKBuildInformationEncapsulates build information for the SDK.
 CWikitude.TargetSourceBase class for TargetCollectionResource and CloudRecognitionService. Intended for internal use only and should not be derived from.
 CWikitude.CloudRecognitionServiceCloudRecognitionService is used to send image(s) taken by the camera to the Cloud Recognition Service. The server will then do the hard work of trying to match the image with your targets in the specified cloud archive
 CWikitude.TargetCollectionResourceRepresents a resource that was initialized with a .wtc (Wikitude Target Collection) or .wto (Wikitude Object Collection) file. The file can be loaded either from the device, if it was stored in the StreamingAssets folder, or from a remote server. If the file was loaded from a server, no internet connection is required anymore after loading finished successfully
 CWikitude.TrackableBase class for trackable classes. Intended for internal use only and should not be derived from.
 CWikitude.ImageTrackableImage Trackables are used by Image Trackers to specify which augmentations correspond to which targets. It also provides information about tracking status
 CWikitude.InstantTrackableInstant Trackables are used by Instant Trackers to specify which augmentations should be used during tracking. It also provides information about tracking status
 CWikitude.ObjectTrackableObject Trackables are used by Object Trackers to specify which augmentations correspond to which targets. It also provides information about tracking status
 CWikitude.TrackerBehaviourBase class for tracker classes. Intended for internal use only and should not be derived from.
 CWikitude.ImageTrackerImage Trackers are used to recognize image targets bundled in .wtc files by using a TargetCollectionResource or from the cloud by using a CloudRecognitionService
 CWikitude.InstantTrackerInstant Trackers provide markerless 3D tracking of a scene, allowing to place augmentations anywhere in the real world. An Instant Tracker can be in two states: Initializing, during which the tracking origin can be set; and Tracking, during which the scene is being tracker
 CWikitude.ObjectTrackerObject Trackers are used to recognize and track objects defined in .wto files by using a TargetCollectionResource
 CWikitude.TrackerManagerTracker manager handles messages from the native plugin. It is created and managed by the plugin and it should not be used directly.
 CWikitude.TransformOverrideThe Transform Override class allows you to intercept any Transform changes made by the SDK and modify them as required. The Transform Override needs to be added to the WikitudeCamera in the inspector to take effect.
 CWikitude.WikitudeCameraThe Wikitude camera handles the connection with the native plugins