Instant Tracking

The following sections detail the instant tracking feature of the Wikitude Native SDK by introducing a minimal implementation, showcasing the simplicity the Wikitude Native SDK provides.

The example is preceded by an introductory section that introduces the instant tracking algorithm with brevity.

  1. Introduction
  2. Basic Instant Tracking

Introduction (1/2)

Instant tracking is an algorithm that, contrary to those previously introduced in the Wikitude SDK, does not aim to recognize a predefined target and start the tracking procedure thereafter, but immediately start tracking in an arbitrary environment. This enables very specific use cases to be implemented.

The algorithm works in two distinct states; the first of which is the initialization state. In this state the user is required to define the origin of the tracking procedure by simply pointing the device and thereby aligning an indicator. Once the alignment is found to be satisfactory by the user (which the users needs to actively confirm), a transition to the tracking state is performed. In this state, the environment is being tracked, which allows for augmentations to be placed within the scene.

The instant tracking algorithm requires another input value to be provided in the initialization state. Specifically, the height of the tracking device is required in order to accurately adjust the scale of augmentations within the scene. To this end, the example features a range input element that allows the height to be set in meters.

Basic Instant Tracking (2/2)

The Instant Tracking example provides a simple implementation of an application that allows users to place furniture in their environment.

Scene Setup

The scene consists mainly of the following parts:

Instant Tracker scene

Instant Tracker Controller

The controller script coordinates all the other components of the scene. It contains references to all the UI elements and responds to events from them.

In the Awake function, the Application.targetFrameRate is set to 60. Even though the camera and tracking is running only at 30 FPS, having Unity running at a higher FPS allows for smoother user interaction.

When a drag is detected and the OnBeginDrag callback is called, we create a new model based on the index we receive and place it at the touch position, facing the camera.

// Select the correct prefab based on the modelIndex passed by the Event Trigger.
GameObject modelPrefab = Models[modelIndex];
// Instantiate that prefab into the scene and add it in our list of visible models.
Transform model = Instantiate(modelPrefab).transform;
// Set model position by casting a ray from the touch position and finding where it intersects with the ground plane
var cameraRay = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
Plane p = new Plane(Vector3.up,;
float enter;
if (p.Raycast(cameraRay, out enter)) {
    model.position = cameraRay.GetPoint(enter);

// Set model orientation to face toward the camera
Quaternion modelRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(-Camera.main.transform.forward, Vector3.up), Vector3.up);
model.rotation = modelRotation;

When the tracker loses the scene, which can happen when moving the device too fast, we make sure that all the models and the grid are hidden. Because the camera is not moved anymore when tracking is lost, the augmentations would appear to be frozen on the screen if they were not hidden. We also need to disable the furniture buttons, to prevent users from adding new objects.

While the SDK doesn't currently work in Edit Mode, you can still test the demo in the Editor by using Unity Remote. The SDK will also send most of the callbacks you expect in Edit Mode as well, allowing you to prototype gesture interaction without constantly building on a device.

Instant Tracker sample running on a device