Wikitude SDK API Reference

API Docs for: 5.1.3

BaseTracker Class

Extends ARchitectObject
Module: AR

BaseTracker is the base blass for Tracker representing client or cloud image target collections.

BaseTracker is a supercalss for other classes and must not be directly instantiated by the developer.




Inherited from ARchitectObject

Destroys the object.


() Boolean

Returns a boolean value indicating if the tracker has already been successfully loaded.



true if the Tracker has successfully loaded, false if the Tracker has not been successfully loaded yet.




Inherited from ARchitectObject

Indicates if the object has already been destroyed.



The current activity state of the Tracker. This property might by changed automatically by the system, in case another Tracker is enabled, causing this Tracker to be disabled. The onDisabled trigger will be called in this case.



Use this option to specify the physical height of a image target that is included in the .wtc file. These options are only necessary if the distanceToUser functionality is used and the .wtc file version is below 4.1. The physical height is expressed in millimeter, and this object contains a map using target names as keys.



The URI pointing to the referenced target collection. The property is read-only and can only be set on creation.



The trigger fires when the Tracker has been disabled by the system. It does not fire when enabled is set to false manually.

The trigger is null by default, and will thus result in no action executed when the trigger fires. A developer can add custom functionality by assigning a custom function to onDisabled.


The trigger fires when the Tracker's target collection could not be loaded. Causes for this might include bad network connection or a corrupt target collection.

The trigger is null by default, and will thus result in no action executed when the trigger fires. A developer can add custom functionality by assigning a custom function to onError.


The trigger fires when the Tracker's target collection was successfully loaded. TrackableObjects related to this Tracker can only be tracked after the Tracker was successfully loaded.

The trigger is null by default, and will thus result in no action executed when the trigger fires. A developer can add custom functionality by assigning a custom function to onLoaded.