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CameraManager - Interface in
Interface to control the camera.
CameraManager.FovChangedListener - Interface in
CameraManagerListener - Interface in
The CameraManagerListener defines callbacks that can be used to react on camera related events.
CameraSettings - Class in
CameraSettings.CameraFocusMode - Enum in
The CameraFocusMode type can be used to define which focus mode should be used by the camera.
CameraSettings.CameraPosition - Enum in
The CameraPosition type can be used to define which camera should be used.
CameraSettings.CameraResolution - Enum in
The CameraResolution type can be used to define which resolution the camera should use for the preview.
CameraSettings.TorchMode - Enum in
cancel() - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.TargetCollectionResource
Cancels loading of the file if it didn't already finish loading
canStartTracking() - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.InstantTracker
Queries whether the state can be changed from initialization to tracking.
checkPermissions(Activity, String[], int, PermissionManager.PermissionManagerCallback) - Method in interface com.wikitude.common.permission.PermissionManager
Checks it the requested permissions are granted and requests missing permissions.
clearCache() - Method in class com.wikitude.WikitudeSDK
Deletes all cached files of this instance of the ArchitectView.
CloudRecognitionService - Interface in com.wikitude.tracker
Interface to control CloudRecognitionServices CloudRecognitionServices allow ImageTrackers to interact with the cloud recognition service
CloudRecognitionServiceConfiguration - Class in com.wikitude.tracker
Configuration class for CloudRecognitionServices
CloudRecognitionServiceConfiguration() - Constructor for class com.wikitude.tracker.CloudRecognitionServiceConfiguration
CloudRecognitionServiceConfiguration.CloudRecognitionTargetConflictSolution - Interface in com.wikitude.tracker
CloudRecognitionServiceConfiguration.CloudRecognitionTargetConflictSolver - Interface in com.wikitude.tracker
CloudRecognitionServiceInitializationCallback - Interface in com.wikitude.tracker
Callback class for CloudRecognitionService initialization
CloudRecognitionServiceListener - Interface in com.wikitude.tracker
Callback class for CloudRecognitionService recognition
CloudRecognitionServiceResponse - Interface in com.wikitude.tracker
Provides additional information for targets recognized using the CloudRecognitionService
CloudRecognitionServiceResponse.TargetInformations - Interface in com.wikitude.tracker
com.wikitude - package com.wikitude - package
com.wikitude.common - package com.wikitude.common - package
com.wikitude.common.permission - package com.wikitude.common.permission
com.wikitude.common.plugins - package com.wikitude.common.plugins
com.wikitude.common.rendering - package com.wikitude.common.rendering
com.wikitude.common.startup - package com.wikitude.common.startup
com.wikitude.common.util - package com.wikitude.common.util
com.wikitude.rendering - package com.wikitude.rendering
com.wikitude.tracker - package com.wikitude.tracker
CompletionCallback - Interface in com.wikitude.common
ContinuousCloudRecognitionServiceInterruptionListener - Interface in com.wikitude.tracker
Callback class for CloudRecognitionService continuous recognition interruption
convertScreenCoordinateToPointCloudCoordinate(Vector2<Float>, InstantTracker.ScenePickingCallback) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.InstantTracker
Queries the point cloud for a 3D position using the provided 2D screen position.
The callback will be invoked synchronously on the call thread.
convertScreenCoordinateToPointCloudCoordinate(Vector2<Float>, InstantTracker.ScenePickingCallback, Handler) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.InstantTracker
Queries the point cloud for a 3D position using the provided 2D screen position.
The method returns immediately and informs about the result asynchronously using the specified callback and handler.

Note: This method is not designed to be called repeatedly, calling it repeatedly(e.g.
createCloudRecognitionService(String, String, CloudRecognitionServiceInitializationCallback, CloudRecognitionServiceConfiguration) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.TrackerManager
createCloudRecognitionService(String, String, String, CloudRecognitionServiceInitializationCallback, CloudRecognitionServiceConfiguration) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.TrackerManager
Creates a new CloudRecognitionService with the passed authentication details
createImageTracker(TargetCollectionResource, ImageTrackerListener, ImageTrackerConfiguration) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.TrackerManager
Creates a new ImageTracker with a TargetCollectionResource
createImageTracker(CloudRecognitionService, ImageTrackerListener, ImageTrackerConfiguration) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.TrackerManager
Creates a new ImageTracker with a CloudRecognitionService
createInstantTracker(InstantTrackerListener, InstantTrackerConfiguration) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.TrackerManager
Creates a new InstantTracker
createObjectTracker(TargetCollectionResource, ObjectTrackerListener, ObjectTrackerConfiguration) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.TrackerManager
Creates a new ObjectTracker with a TargetCollectionResource
createTargetCollectionResource(String) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.TrackerManager
Creates a new target collection resource from the passed url.
createTargetCollectionResource(String, TargetCollectionResourceLoadingCallback) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.TrackerManager


deleteRootCacheDirectory(Context) - Static method in class com.wikitude.WikitudeSDK
Deletes the root cache directory of the SDK.
destroyCloudRecognitionService(CloudRecognitionService) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.TrackerManager
Destroys a CloudRecognitionService.
destroyImageTracker(ImageTracker) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.TrackerManager
Destroys an ImageTracker
destroyInstantTracker(InstantTracker) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.TrackerManager
Destroys an InstantTracker
destroyObjectTracker(ObjectTracker) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.TrackerManager
Destroys an ObjectTracker
destroyTargetCollectionResource(TargetCollectionResource) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.TrackerManager
Destroys a TargetCollectionResource.
disableCameraFlashLight() - Method in interface
Call to turn off the device flash light


enableCameraFlashLight() - Method in interface
Call to turn on the device flash light
enableConvexHull() - Method in class com.wikitude.tracker.PlaneDetectionConfiguration
Enables the computation of the convex hull of the detected plane.
enablePlaneDetection(PlaneDetectionConfiguration) - Method in class com.wikitude.tracker.InstantTrackerConfiguration
Use this to specify whether the tracker should detect planes or not.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.wikitude.common.util.ExtentF
ExtentFs are equal when min and max of both are the same.
ErrorCallback - Interface in com.wikitude.common
ExtentF - Class in com.wikitude.common.util
ExtentF(float, float) - Constructor for class com.wikitude.common.util.ExtentF
ExternalRendering - Interface in com.wikitude.rendering
External rendering marker interface


getBuildConfiguration() - Method in interface com.wikitude.common.util.SDKBuildInformation
Returns in which configuration the sdk was built ( release / debug / ..
getBuildDate() - Method in interface com.wikitude.common.util.SDKBuildInformation
Returns the date of the sdk build.
getBuildNumber() - Method in interface com.wikitude.common.util.SDKBuildInformation
Returns the build number of the CI build.
getCameraFocusMode() - Method in class com.wikitude.common.startup.StartupConfiguration
Get which camera focus mode should be used by the Wikitude SDK for the camera startup.
getCameraManager() - Method in class com.wikitude.WikitudeSDK
Returns an instance of the CameraManager which can be used to control the camera of the Wikitude SDK.
getCameraManualFocusDistance() - Method in class com.wikitude.common.startup.StartupConfiguration
Get the initial camera manual focus distance in %.
0 = Shortest distance from frontmost surface of the lens that can be brought into sharp focus.
1 = Infinity Focus.
getCameraPosition() - Method in interface
Call to get the current camera position
getCameraPosition() - Method in class com.wikitude.common.startup.StartupConfiguration
Get which camera position should be used by the Wikitude SDK for the camera startup.
getCameraResolution() - Method in class com.wikitude.common.startup.StartupConfiguration
Get the Size of the camera preview in pixel.
getClientToken() - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.CloudRecognitionService
getcloudRecognitionServerURL() - Method in class com.wikitude.tracker.CloudRecognitionServiceConfiguration
getCode() - Method in interface com.wikitude.common.WikitudeError
getConfidence() - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.Plane
Returns the confidence level for the plane.
getConvexHull() - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.Plane
Gets the convex hull of the plane.
getCurrentZoomLevel() - Method in interface
Call to get the currently set zoom level
getDefaultOrigin() - Method in class com.wikitude.common.startup.StartupConfiguration
getDefaultOrigin() - Method in class com.wikitude.NativeStartupConfiguration
getDescription() - Method in interface com.wikitude.common.WikitudeError
getDeviceHeightAboveGround() - Method in class com.wikitude.tracker.InstantTrackerConfiguration
Returns the estimated height at which the device is currently above the ground.
getDistanceChangedThreshold() - Method in class com.wikitude.tracker.ImageTrackerConfiguration
getDistanceToImageTarget(ImageTarget) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.ImageTarget
Returns the distance from this to another ImageTarget.
getDistanceToTarget() - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.ImageTarget
getDomain() - Method in interface com.wikitude.common.WikitudeError
getExtendedTargets() - Method in class com.wikitude.tracker.ImageTrackerConfiguration
getExtendedTargets() - Method in class com.wikitude.tracker.ObjectTrackerConfiguration
getExtentX() - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.Plane
Gets the extents of the plane in the X axis.
getExtentY() - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.Plane
Gets the extents of the plane in the Y axis.
getFocusMode() - Method in interface
Call to get the currently set focus mode
getFormattedDescription() - Method in interface com.wikitude.common.WikitudeError
getImageRecognitionRangeExtension() - Method in class com.wikitude.tracker.ImageTrackerConfiguration
Returns the ImageTrackerConfiguration.ImageRecognitionRangeExtension that should be used when target image recognition is active.
getKey() - Method in class com.wikitude.common.startup.StartupConfiguration
getLicenseKey() - Method in class com.wikitude.common.startup.StartupConfiguration
Get the current Wikitude SDK licence key.
getListener() - Method in interface
Returns the currently registered listener object.
getManualFocusDistance() - Method in interface
Get the camera focus distance in %.
0 = Shortest distance from frontmost surface of the lens that can be brought into sharp focus.
1 = Infinity Focus.
getMax() - Method in class com.wikitude.common.util.ExtentF
getMaximumNumberOfConcurrentlyTrackableTargets() - Method in class com.wikitude.tracker.ImageTrackerConfiguration
Returns the maximum number of targets that can be tracked concurrently.
getMaxZoomLevel() - Method in interface
Call to check the maximum zoom level, should be called before setting the zoom level
getMessage() - Method in interface com.wikitude.common.WikitudeError
getMetadata() - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.CloudRecognitionServiceResponse
getMetadataString() - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.CloudRecognitionServiceResponse
getMin() - Method in class com.wikitude.common.util.ExtentF
getModelViewProjectionMatrix() - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.Target
getName() - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.CloudRecognitionServiceResponse.TargetInformations
getName() - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.ImageTarget
getName() - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.ObjectTarget
getOnDistanceBetweenTargetsListener() - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.ImageTarget
Returns the distance between two ImageTargets change callback for this ImageTarget.
getOrigin() - Method in class com.wikitude.common.startup.StartupConfiguration
Get the Origin of the application
getPermissionManager() - Static method in class com.wikitude.WikitudeSDK
Returns an static object of Type PermissionManager which can be used to handle Androids runtime permissions.
getPhysicalTargetImageHeight() - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.ImageTarget
Returns the physical height of the target image.
getPhysicalTargetImageHeights() - Method in class com.wikitude.tracker.ImageTrackerConfiguration
Returns a map of target names and their physical image height in mm.
getPlaneDetectionConfiguration() - Method in class com.wikitude.tracker.InstantTrackerConfiguration
Returns the plane detection configuration of the tracker.
getPlaneFilters() - Method in class com.wikitude.tracker.PlaneDetectionConfiguration
Returns the set PlaneFilters.
getPlaneType() - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.Plane
Gets the type for this plane.
getPluginManager() - Method in class com.wikitude.WikitudeSDK
Returns an instance of the PluginManager which can be used to connect c++ Plugins to the Wikitude SDK.
getPolicy() - Method in class com.wikitude.tracker.InstantTargetRestorationConfiguration
getProjectionMatrix() - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.Target
getRating() - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.CloudRecognitionServiceResponse.TargetInformations
getRenderingAPI() - Method in class com.wikitude.NativeStartupConfiguration
Get which RenderingAPIs are used by the Wikitude SDK.
getRenderingCorrectedFov() - Method in interface
getSDKBuildInformation() - Static method in class com.wikitude.WikitudeSDK
Returns an object of Type SDKBuildInformation
which can be used to get information of the sdk build.

This information is helpful when reporting bugs in the sdk.
getSDKVersion() - Static method in class com.wikitude.WikitudeSDK
Returns the SDK version in the format Major.Minor.Bugfix.
getTargetAreaInCameraFrame() - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.ImageTarget
getTargetAreaInScreenSpace(float[]) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.ImageTarget
getTargetCollectionId() - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.CloudRecognitionService
getTargetConflictSolver() - Method in class com.wikitude.tracker.CloudRecognitionServiceConfiguration
getTargetInformations() - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.CloudRecognitionServiceResponse
getTargetInformationsObject() - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.CloudRecognitionServiceResponse
getTargetScale() - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.ImageTarget
Defines a normalized scale value in x and y direction that represents the image dimensions proportionally to the uniform scaling given through the modelView matrix.
getTargetScale() - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.ObjectTarget
Defines a normalized scale value in x,y and z direction that represents the object dimensions proportionally to the uniform scaling given through the modelView matrix.
getTextureId() - Method in class com.wikitude.NativeStartupConfiguration
getTrackerEfficiencyMode() - Method in class com.wikitude.tracker.ImageTrackerConfiguration
Returns the efficiency mode of the tracker.
getTrackerEfficiencyMode() - Method in class com.wikitude.tracker.InstantTrackerConfiguration
Returns the efficiency mode of the tracker.
getTrackerEfficiencyMode() - Method in class com.wikitude.tracker.ObjectTrackerConfiguration
Returns the efficiency mode of the tracker.
getTrackerManager() - Method in class com.wikitude.WikitudeSDK
Returns an instance of the TrackerManager which can be used to create Image/Instant or ObjectTrackers and their components.
getTrackingPlaneOrientation() - Method in class com.wikitude.tracker.InstantTrackerConfiguration
Returns the initial orientation at which the instant tracking plane should be displayed.
getUnderlyingError() - Method in interface com.wikitude.common.WikitudeError
getUniqueId() - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.ImageTarget
getUniqueId() - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.Plane
Returns the unique id of the Plane.
getURL() - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.TargetCollectionResource
getValue() - Method in enum com.wikitude.tracker.InstantTrackingState
getViewMatrix() - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.Target


hashCode() - Method in class com.wikitude.common.util.ExtentF


ImageTarget - Interface in com.wikitude.tracker
ImageTarget represents a target recognized by an Image Tracker
ImageTarget.OnDistanceBetweenTargetsListener - Interface in com.wikitude.tracker
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the distance between two ImageTargets changes.
ImageTracker - Interface in com.wikitude.tracker
Interface to control Image Trackers
ImageTrackerConfiguration - Class in com.wikitude.tracker
Configuration class for Image Trackers
ImageTrackerConfiguration() - Constructor for class com.wikitude.tracker.ImageTrackerConfiguration
ImageTrackerConfiguration.ImageRecognitionRangeExtension - Enum in com.wikitude.tracker
ImageRecognitionRangeExtension defines if ImageTracker should use an optimized algorithm to detect target images in greater distance to the camera.
Extending the recognition range requires HD camera frames processing and therefore needs more CPU power than the default recognition range.

Extending the recognition distance requires more computational power of the CPU.
ImageTrackerListener - Interface in com.wikitude.tracker
Defines all necessary callbacks for ImageTrackers
InitializationPose - Interface in com.wikitude.tracker
Contains tracking information when an InstantTracker is running in Initialization mode
InstantTarget - Interface in com.wikitude.tracker
ImageTarget represents a target recognized by an Image Tracker
InstantTargetRestorationConfiguration - Class in com.wikitude.tracker
InstantTargetRestorationConfiguration() - Constructor for class com.wikitude.tracker.InstantTargetRestorationConfiguration
InstantTargetRestorationConfiguration.InstantTargetExpansionPolicy - Enum in com.wikitude.tracker
InstantTracker - Interface in com.wikitude.tracker
Interface to control Instant Trackers
InstantTracker.PointCloudCallback - Interface in com.wikitude.tracker
Interface to receive instant tracking point cloud data as Vector3<Float>[].
InstantTracker.PointCloudNativeCallback - Interface in com.wikitude.tracker
Interface to receive instant tracking point cloud data as pointer to a native float array.
InstantTracker.ScenePickingCallback - Interface in com.wikitude.tracker
Interface to receive picking results from the InstantTracker class
InstantTrackerConfiguration - Class in com.wikitude.tracker
Configuration class for Instant Trackers
InstantTrackerConfiguration() - Constructor for class com.wikitude.tracker.InstantTrackerConfiguration
InstantTrackerListener - Interface in com.wikitude.tracker
Defines all necessary callbacks for InstantTrackers
InstantTrackingState - Enum in com.wikitude.tracker
Enum specifying in which state the InstantTracker should run.
InternalRendering - Interface in com.wikitude.common.rendering
Internal rendering marker interface
isCamera2Enabled() - Method in class com.wikitude.common.startup.StartupConfiguration
Get if the wikitude sdk may use the android camera2 api on devices with android version 5.1 or higher.
The default value is true.
isCameraFlashLightEnabled() - Method in interface
Call check the state of the flash light
isCameraRunningOnStartupEnsured() - Method in class com.wikitude.NativeStartupConfiguration
isConvexHullEnabled() - Method in class com.wikitude.tracker.PlaneDetectionConfiguration
Returns if the tracker tries to calculate a convex hull.
isExposurePointOfInterestSupported() - Method in interface
isExtendedTrackingActive() - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.ImageTracker
isFocusPointOfInterestSupported() - Method in interface
isInitialized() - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.CloudRecognitionService
isLoading() - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.TargetCollectionResource
isManualFocusAvailable() - Method in interface
Checks if the currently active camera is supporting setting the focus distance manually.
isPlaneDetectionEnabled() - Method in class com.wikitude.tracker.InstantTrackerConfiguration
Returns if plane detection is enabled.
IsPlatformAssistedTrackingAvailableCallback - Interface in com.wikitude.tracker
Callback class for the isPlatformAssistedTrackingAvailable API
isPlatformAssistedTrackingSupported(IsPlatformAssistedTrackingAvailableCallback) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.TrackerManager
isRecognized() - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.CloudRecognitionServiceResponse
isSMARTEnabled() - Method in class com.wikitude.tracker.InstantTrackerConfiguration
Returns if the Wikitude SDk should use SMART instead of only the Wikitude InstantTracking algorithms if the device supports SMART.
isValidOrigin() - Method in class com.wikitude.common.startup.StartupConfiguration
isValidOrigin() - Method in class com.wikitude.NativeStartupConfiguration


load(TargetCollectionResourceLoadingCallback) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.TargetCollectionResource
Starts loading the resource.
loadExistingInstantTarget(TargetCollectionResource, CompletionCallback, ErrorCallback, InstantTargetRestorationConfiguration) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.InstantTracker
Loads the provided instant target and starts tracking it.
This feature is not available with platform assisted tracking enabled.
loadExistingInstantTarget(TargetCollectionResource, CompletionCallback, ErrorCallback, InstantTargetRestorationConfiguration, Handler) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.InstantTracker
Loads the provided instant target and starts tracking it.
This feature is not available with platform assisted tracking enabled.


mOrigin - Variable in class com.wikitude.common.startup.StartupConfiguration


NativeStartupConfiguration - Class in com.wikitude
Configuration object class for the Wikitude Native SDK.
NativeStartupConfiguration() - Constructor for class com.wikitude.NativeStartupConfiguration


ObjectTarget - Interface in com.wikitude.tracker
ObjectTarget represents a target recognized by an Object Tracker
ObjectTracker - Interface in com.wikitude.tracker
Interface to control ObjectTrackers
ObjectTrackerConfiguration - Class in com.wikitude.tracker
ObjectTrackerConfiguration() - Constructor for class com.wikitude.tracker.ObjectTrackerConfiguration
ObjectTrackerListener - Interface in com.wikitude.tracker
Defines all necessary callbacks for ObjectTrackers
onAvailabilityChanged(SmartAvailability) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.IsPlatformAssistedTrackingAvailableCallback
Called when new availability information is available.
onCameraOpen() - Method in interface
Will be called once the Wikitude Native SDK successfully opened it's internal camera.
onCameraReleased() - Method in interface
Will be called once the Wikitude Native SDK released it's internal camera.
onCompletion() - Method in interface com.wikitude.common.CompletionCallback
onCompletion(Vector3<Float>[]) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.InstantTracker.PointCloudCallback
Is triggered when the query for the 3D point cloud is completed.
onCompletion(long, long) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.InstantTracker.PointCloudNativeCallback
Is triggered when the query for the 3D point cloud is completed.
onCompletion(boolean, Vector3<Float>) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.InstantTracker.ScenePickingCallback
Is triggered when the query for the 3D point cloud position from a provided 2D screen position is completed.
onCreate(Context, Context, NativeStartupConfiguration) - Method in class com.wikitude.WikitudeSDK
Lifecycle method of the WikitudeSDK, this should be called during Activity.onCreate(android.os.Bundle).
onDestroy() - Method in class com.wikitude.WikitudeSDK
Lifecycle method of the WikitudeSDK, this should be called during Activity.onDestroy().
onDistanceBetweenTargetsChanged(int, ImageTarget, ImageTarget) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.ImageTarget.OnDistanceBetweenTargetsListener
Is called whenever the distance between the ImageTarget this listener is set to and another ImageTarget changes by an amount larger than the threshold.
onDrawFrame(GL10) - Method in interface com.wikitude.common.rendering.RenderExtension
Updates the rendering of the Wikitude SDK.
onError(WikitudeError) - Method in interface
Will be called when an error happens in the CameraManager.
onError(WikitudeError) - Method in interface com.wikitude.common.ErrorCallback
onError(WikitudeError) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.CloudRecognitionServiceInitializationCallback
Called when an error was encountered during initialization of the CloudRecognitionService
onError(WikitudeError) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.CloudRecognitionServiceListener
Called when an error was encountered when trying to recognize a target with a CloudRecognitionService
onError(WikitudeError) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.TargetCollectionResourceLoadingCallback
Called when an error was encountered during loading of the resource
onErrorLoadingTargets(ImageTracker, WikitudeError) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.ImageTrackerListener
Will be called if there was an error when loading the targets
onErrorLoadingTargets(ObjectTracker, WikitudeError) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.ObjectTrackerListener
Will be called if there was an error when loading the targets
onExtendedTrackingQualityChanged(ImageTracker, ImageTarget, int, int) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.ImageTrackerListener
Called when the tracker is running in extended mode and the quality of the tracking changed
onExtendedTrackingQualityChanged(ObjectTracker, ObjectTarget, int, int) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.ObjectTrackerListener
Called when the tracker is running in extended mode and the quality of the tracking changed
onFinish() - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.TargetCollectionResourceLoadingCallback
Called when the resource was loaded successfully
onFovChanged(float) - Method in interface
onImageLost(ImageTracker, ImageTarget) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.ImageTrackerListener
Will be called when an ImageTarget is lost by the tracker
onImageRecognized(ImageTracker, ImageTarget) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.ImageTrackerListener
Will be called when an ImageTarget is first recognized by the tracker
onImageTracked(ImageTracker, ImageTarget) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.ImageTrackerListener
Called repeatedly when the ImageTarget is tracked by the tracker
onInitializationPoseChanged(InstantTracker, InitializationPose) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.InstantTrackerListener
Called repeatedly during the initialization phase with information about the tracking plane
onInitialized() - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.CloudRecognitionServiceInitializationCallback
Called when the CloudRecognitionService was initialized successfully
onInterruption(int) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.ContinuousCloudRecognitionServiceInterruptionListener
onObjectLost(ObjectTracker, ObjectTarget) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.ObjectTrackerListener
Will be called when an object target is lost by the target
onObjectRecognized(ObjectTracker, ObjectTarget) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.ObjectTrackerListener
Will be called when an object target is first recognized by the tracker
onObjectTracked(ObjectTracker, ObjectTarget) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.ObjectTrackerListener
Called repeatedly when the object target is tracked by the tracker
onPause() - Method in interface com.wikitude.common.rendering.RenderExtension
onPause() - Method in class com.wikitude.WikitudeSDK
Lifecycle method of the WikitudeSDK, this should be called during Activity.onPause().
onPlaneLost(InstantTracker, Plane) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.InstantTrackerListener
Called whenever a previously known plane is not found anymore.
onPlaneRecognized(InstantTracker, Plane) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.InstantTrackerListener
Called whenever an instant tracker recognized a new plane that was previously unknown.
onPlaneTracked(InstantTracker, Plane) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.InstantTrackerListener
Called whenever a previously known plane was tracked again.
onRegisterError(int, String) - Method in interface com.wikitude.common.plugins.PluginManager.PluginErrorCallback
Will be called if there was an error when registering the plugin
onRenderExtensionCreated(RenderExtension) - Method in interface com.wikitude.rendering.ExternalRendering
Will be called by the WikitudeSDK when the Wikitude RenderExtension has been created.
onRenderingApiInstanceCreated(RenderSettings.RenderingAPI) - Method in interface com.wikitude.common.rendering.InternalRendering
Will be called once a rendering api instance is created.
onRequestPermissionsResult(int, String[], int[]) - Method in interface com.wikitude.common.permission.PermissionManager
This needs to be called in the Activity.onRequestPermissionsResult(int, java.lang.String[], int[]) to pass the result to the Wikitude SDK.
onResponse(CloudRecognitionServiceResponse) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.CloudRecognitionServiceListener
Called when a response from the server is received
onResume() - Method in interface com.wikitude.common.rendering.RenderExtension
onResume() - Method in class com.wikitude.WikitudeSDK
Lifecycle method of the WikitudeSDK, this should be called during Activity.onResume().
onStateChanged(InstantTracker, InstantTrackingState) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.InstantTrackerListener
Will be called when the state of the tracker was changed internally.
onStateChangeFailed(InstantTracker, InstantTrackingState) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.InstantTrackerListener
Will be called when changing the Instant Tracking state was not successful.
onSurfaceChanged(GL10, int, int) - Method in interface com.wikitude.common.rendering.RenderExtension
onSurfaceCreated(GL10, EGLConfig) - Method in interface com.wikitude.common.rendering.RenderExtension
onTargetsLoaded(ImageTracker) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.ImageTrackerListener
Will be called when the tracker successfully loaded the targets
onTargetsLoaded(ObjectTracker) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.ObjectTrackerListener
Will be called when the tracker successfully loaded the targets
onTracked(InstantTracker, InstantTarget) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.InstantTrackerListener
Called repeatedly during the tracking phase.
onTrackingStarted(InstantTracker, InstantTarget) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.InstantTrackerListener
Will be called when tracking is started.
onTrackingStopped(InstantTracker) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.InstantTrackerListener
Will be called when tracking of the scene is lost
onUpdate() - Method in interface com.wikitude.common.rendering.RenderExtension
Updates the logic of the Wikitude SDK.
ORIGIN_DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.wikitude.NativeStartupConfiguration
ORIGIN_UNITY - Static variable in class com.wikitude.NativeStartupConfiguration


PermissionManager - Interface in com.wikitude.common.permission
Interface to the Wikitude permission manager.
This can be used to check for runtime permissions.
To get an instance of the PermissionManager WikitudeSDK.getPermissionManager() can be used.
PermissionManager.PermissionManagerCallback - Interface in com.wikitude.common.permission
permissionsDenied(String[]) - Method in interface com.wikitude.common.permission.PermissionManager.PermissionManagerCallback
One or more requested permissions were denied.
permissionsGranted(int) - Method in interface com.wikitude.common.permission.PermissionManager.PermissionManagerCallback
Requested permissions were granted.
Plane - Interface in com.wikitude.tracker
The class that represents a plane found by an instant tracker.
PlaneDetectionConfiguration - Class in com.wikitude.tracker
PlaneDetectionConfiguration() - Constructor for class com.wikitude.tracker.PlaneDetectionConfiguration
PlaneFilter - Enum in com.wikitude.tracker
Use this enum to determine what types of planes should be detected.
PlaneType - Enum in com.wikitude.tracker
Use this enum to determine the type of a plane that was detected by the instant tracker.
PLUGIN_ERROR_IDENTIFIER_INVALID - Static variable in interface com.wikitude.common.plugins.PluginManager.PluginErrorCallback
PLUGIN_ERROR_LOADING_LIBRARY - Static variable in interface com.wikitude.common.plugins.PluginManager.PluginErrorCallback
PLUGIN_ERROR_PLUGIN_WITH_SAME_IDENTIFIER_ALREADY_REGISTERED - Static variable in interface com.wikitude.common.plugins.PluginManager.PluginErrorCallback
PLUGIN_ERROR_RENDERING_API_MISMATCH - Static variable in interface com.wikitude.common.plugins.PluginManager.PluginErrorCallback
PLUGIN_ERROR_WRONG_LIFECYCLE_STATE - Static variable in interface com.wikitude.common.plugins.PluginManager.PluginErrorCallback
PluginManager - Interface in com.wikitude.common.plugins
PluginManager.PluginErrorCallback - Interface in com.wikitude.common.plugins
positiveRationaleResult(int, String[]) - Method in interface com.wikitude.common.permission.PermissionManager
This needs to be called if the user decides to grant the permissions after they were denied before.
provideRenderExtension() - Method in interface com.wikitude.common.rendering.InternalRendering
Will be called once by the WikitudeSDK when setting up the OpenGL surface view


recognize(CloudRecognitionServiceListener) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.CloudRecognitionService
Starts a single recognition attempt
registerNativePlugins(String, PluginManager.PluginErrorCallback) - Method in interface com.wikitude.common.plugins.PluginManager
registerNativePlugins(String, ErrorCallback) - Method in interface com.wikitude.common.plugins.PluginManager
Use this method to register (a) C++ plugin(s).
registerNativePlugins(String, String, PluginManager.PluginErrorCallback) - Method in interface com.wikitude.common.plugins.PluginManager
registerNativePlugins(String, String, ErrorCallback) - Method in interface com.wikitude.common.plugins.PluginManager
Use this method to register a C++ plugin.
RenderExtension - Interface in com.wikitude.common.rendering
The RenderExtension is used for ExternalRendering to control the rendering of the Wikitude SDK.
RenderSettings - Class in com.wikitude.common.rendering
RenderSettings.ExternalOpenGLESRenderDestination - Enum in com.wikitude.common.rendering
RenderSettings.RenderingAPI - Enum in com.wikitude.common.rendering
Use the RenderingAPI type to define which rendering API should be used.
OPENGL_ES_2 Internal Rendering: The SDK will create an OpenGL ES 2 context and will use OpenGL ES 2 internally. External Rendering: The SDK will expect an OpenGL ES 2 context and will use OpenGL ES 2 internally. OPENGL_ES_3 Internal Rendering: The SDK will create an OpenGL ES 3 context and will use OpenGL ES 3 internally. External Rendering: The SDK will expect an OpenGL ES 3 context and will use OpenGL ES 3 internally.
requestCurrentPointCloud(InstantTracker.PointCloudCallback) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.InstantTracker
Queries the current 3D point cloud as Vector3<Float>[].
requestCurrentPointCloud(InstantTracker.PointCloudCallback, Handler) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.InstantTracker
Queries the current 3D point cloud as Vector3<Float>[].
requestCurrentPointCloudNativePointer(InstantTracker.PointCloudNativeCallback) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.InstantTracker
Queries the current 3D point cloud as pointer to a native float array.
requestCurrentPointCloudNativePointer(InstantTracker.PointCloudNativeCallback, Handler) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.InstantTracker
Queries the current 3D point cloud as pointer to a native float array.


saveCurrentInstantTarget(String, CompletionCallback, ErrorCallback) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.InstantTracker
Saves the current scene created by the InstantTracker.
The saved file can then be loaded as TargetCollectionResource using InstantTracker.loadExistingInstantTarget(com.wikitude.tracker.TargetCollectionResource, com.wikitude.common.CompletionCallback, com.wikitude.common.ErrorCallback, com.wikitude.tracker.InstantTargetRestorationConfiguration).

This enables that AR experiences can be persistently accessed by multiple users across devices and operating systems.

This feature is not available with platform assisted tracking enabled.
saveCurrentInstantTarget(String, CompletionCallback, ErrorCallback, Handler) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.InstantTracker
Saves the current scene created by the InstantTracker.
The saved file can then be loaded as TargetCollectionResource using InstantTracker.loadExistingInstantTarget(com.wikitude.tracker.TargetCollectionResource, com.wikitude.common.CompletionCallback, com.wikitude.common.ErrorCallback, com.wikitude.tracker.InstantTargetRestorationConfiguration).
This enables that AR experiences can be persistently accessed by multiple users across devices and operating systems.

This feature is not available with platform assisted tracking enabled.
SDKBuildInformation - Interface in com.wikitude.common.util
Interface to get information about the sdk build.
SERVER_URL_AMERICAS - Static variable in class com.wikitude.tracker.CloudRecognitionServiceConfiguration
Constant that can be used with CloudRecognitionServiceConfiguration.setCloudRecognitionServerURL(java.lang.String) to set the cloud recognition region to americas.
SERVER_URL_EUROPE - Static variable in class com.wikitude.tracker.CloudRecognitionServiceConfiguration
Constant that can be used with CloudRecognitionServiceConfiguration.setCloudRecognitionServerURL(java.lang.String) to set the cloud recognition region to europe.
setCamera2Enabled(boolean) - Method in class com.wikitude.common.startup.StartupConfiguration
Sets if the wikitude sdk may use the android camera2 api on devices with android version 5.1 or higher.
The default value is true.
setCameraFocusMode(CameraSettings.CameraFocusMode) - Method in class com.wikitude.common.startup.StartupConfiguration
Get which camera focus mode should be used by the Wikitude SDK for the camera startup.
setCameraManualFocusDistance(float) - Method in class com.wikitude.common.startup.StartupConfiguration
Set the initial camera manual focus distance in %.
0 = Shortest distance from frontmost surface of the lens that can be brought into sharp focus.
1 = Infinity Focus.
If setting the focus distance is not supported by the camera this value will be internally set to 1.
setCameraPosition(CameraSettings.CameraPosition) - Method in interface
Call to change which camera should be used (front, back)
setCameraPosition(CameraSettings.CameraPosition) - Method in class com.wikitude.common.startup.StartupConfiguration
Set which camera position should be used by the Wikitude SDK for the camera startup.
setCameraResolution(CameraSettings.CameraResolution) - Method in class com.wikitude.common.startup.StartupConfiguration
Sets which resolution the camera should use.
The wikitude sdk will choose a resolution closest to the given size.
It is not guaranteed that the chosen size is used since some android devices may not support it.
This value is only used on 64-Bit devices as those are generally fast enough to handle the additional computations for larger frames.
setCloudRecognitionServerURL(String) - Method in class com.wikitude.tracker.CloudRecognitionServiceConfiguration
Sets the base URL that should be used by the SDK to establish a cloud connection.
The default base URL is CloudRecognitionServiceConfiguration.SERVER_URL_EUROPE.
setDeviceHeightAboveGround(float) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.InstantTracker
Sets the current height at which the device is being held above the ground or other desired tracking surface (e.g.
setDeviceHeightAboveGround(float) - Method in class com.wikitude.tracker.InstantTrackerConfiguration
Sets the estimated height at which the device is currently above the ground.
setDistanceChangedThreshold(int) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.ImageTracker
setDistanceChangedThreshold(int) - Method in class com.wikitude.tracker.ImageTrackerConfiguration
setEnsureRunningCameraOnStartup(boolean) - Method in class com.wikitude.NativeStartupConfiguration
setExposurePointOfInterest(float, float) - Method in interface
Sets the point where the camera tries to calculate exposure.
setExtendedTargets(String[]) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.ImageTracker
Sets the targets for which the extended tracking should be enabled.
setExtendedTargets(String[]) - Method in class com.wikitude.tracker.ImageTrackerConfiguration
setExtendedTargets(String[]) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.ObjectTracker
Sets the targets for which the extended tracking should be enabled.
setExtendedTargets(String[]) - Method in class com.wikitude.tracker.ObjectTrackerConfiguration
setFocusMode(CameraSettings.CameraFocusMode) - Method in interface
Call to change the focus mode of the camera (once, continuous)
setFocusPointOfInterest(float, float) - Method in interface
Sets the point where the camera tries to focus on.
setImageRecognitionRangeExtension(ImageTrackerConfiguration.ImageRecognitionRangeExtension) - Method in class com.wikitude.tracker.ImageTrackerConfiguration
Sets the ImageTrackerConfiguration.ImageRecognitionRangeExtension that should be used when target image recognition is active.
setInstantTargetExpansionPolicy(InstantTargetRestorationConfiguration.InstantTargetExpansionPolicy) - Method in class com.wikitude.tracker.InstantTargetRestorationConfiguration
setLicenseKey(String) - Method in class com.wikitude.common.startup.StartupConfiguration
Set your Wikitude SDK licence key.
setListener(CameraManagerListener) - Method in interface
Call to set a listener object.
setManualFocusDistance(float) - Method in interface
Set the camera focus distance.
0 = Shortest distance from frontmost surface of the lens that can be brought into sharp focus.
1 = Infinity Focus.
If setting the focus distance is not supported by the camera this value will be internally set to 0.
setMaximumNumberOfConcurrentlyTrackableTargets(int) - Method in class com.wikitude.tracker.ImageTrackerConfiguration
Sets the maximum number of targets that can be tracked concurrently.
setOnDistanceBetweenTargetsListener(ImageTarget.OnDistanceBetweenTargetsListener) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.ImageTarget
Set a listener to receive callbacks when the distance between two ImageTargets changes.
setOrigin(String) - Method in class com.wikitude.common.startup.StartupConfiguration
Use this only if you are implementing your OWN Wikitude Plugin for Cordova, Titanium etc.
setPhysicalTargetImageHeights(HashMap<String, Integer>) - Method in class com.wikitude.tracker.ImageTrackerConfiguration
Sets a map of target names and their physical image height in mm.
setPlaneFilter(EnumSet<PlaneFilter>) - Method in class com.wikitude.tracker.PlaneDetectionConfiguration
Use this to specify which types of planes should be detected.
setPlaneFilter(PlaneFilter) - Method in class com.wikitude.tracker.PlaneDetectionConfiguration
Use this to specify which types of planes should be detected.
setRenderingAPI(RenderSettings.RenderingAPI...) - Method in class com.wikitude.NativeStartupConfiguration
Sets the RenderingAPIs the Wikitude SDK should use.
setRenderingCorrectedFovChangedListener(CameraManager.FovChangedListener) - Method in interface
Sets the listener that is invoked when the field of view of the rendered frame changes.
setSMARTEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.wikitude.tracker.InstantTrackerConfiguration
Defines if the Wikitude SDk should use SMART instead of only the Wikitude InstantTracking algorithms if the device supports .
setState(InstantTrackingState) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.InstantTracker
Changes the state in which the tracker should run in
setTargetConflictSolver(CloudRecognitionServiceConfiguration.CloudRecognitionTargetConflictSolver) - Method in class com.wikitude.tracker.CloudRecognitionServiceConfiguration
setTextureId(int) - Method in interface
Sets the OpenGLES texture id the camera frame should be rendered to.
setTextureId(int) - Method in class com.wikitude.NativeStartupConfiguration
setTrackerEfficiencyMode(TrackerEfficiencyMode) - Method in class com.wikitude.tracker.ImageTrackerConfiguration
Use this to specify the efficiency mode of the tracker.
setTrackerEfficiencyMode(TrackerEfficiencyMode) - Method in class com.wikitude.tracker.InstantTrackerConfiguration
Use this to specify the efficiency mode of the tracker.
setTrackerEfficiencyMode(TrackerEfficiencyMode) - Method in class com.wikitude.tracker.ObjectTrackerConfiguration
Use this to specify the efficiency mode of the tracker.
setTrackingPlaneOrientation(float) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.InstantTracker
Sets the current orientation at which the instant tracking plane should be displayed.
This can be used to align the instant tracking plane with real world structures (e.g.
setTrackingPlaneOrientation(float) - Method in class com.wikitude.tracker.InstantTrackerConfiguration
Sets the initial orientation at which the instant tracking plane should be displayed.
setupWikitudeGLSurfaceView() - Method in class com.wikitude.WikitudeSDK
setZoomLevel(float) - Method in interface
Call to set the zoom in or zoom out, call getMaxZoomLevel first to get the maximum possible value
showPermissionRationale(int, String[]) - Method in interface com.wikitude.common.permission.PermissionManager.PermissionManagerCallback
User denied the permission request before, explain why the app needs the permissions.
If the user wants to grant the permissions call PermissionManager.positiveRationaleResult(int, java.lang.String[]).
SmartAvailability - Enum in com.wikitude.tracker
Callback class for the isPlatformAssistedTrackingAvailable API
solve(CloudRecognitionServiceResponse.TargetInformations, CloudRecognitionServiceResponse.TargetInformations, CloudRecognitionServiceConfiguration.CloudRecognitionTargetConflictSolution) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.CloudRecognitionServiceConfiguration.CloudRecognitionTargetConflictSolver
solvedConflict(CloudRecognitionServiceResponse.TargetInformations) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.CloudRecognitionServiceConfiguration.CloudRecognitionTargetConflictSolution
startContinuousRecognition(double, ContinuousCloudRecognitionServiceInterruptionListener, CloudRecognitionServiceListener) - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.CloudRecognitionService
Starts the continuous recognition mode
StartupConfiguration - Class in com.wikitude.common.startup
StartupConfiguration() - Constructor for class com.wikitude.common.startup.StartupConfiguration
stopContinuousRecognition() - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.CloudRecognitionService
Stops the continuous recognition mode
stopExtendedTracking() - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.ImageTracker
Immediately stops the extended tracking mode.
stopExtendedTracking() - Method in interface com.wikitude.tracker.ObjectTracker
Immediately stops the extended tracking mode.


Target - Interface in com.wikitude.tracker
Target is the base class for any target that can be recognized by the SDK.
TargetCollectionResource - Interface in com.wikitude.tracker
Interface to control TargetCollectionResources TargetCollectionResources load image or object target collections either from local storage or from a remote server TargetCollectionResources can be used with ImageTrackers and ObjectTrackers
TargetCollectionResourceLoadingCallback - Interface in com.wikitude.tracker
Callback class for TargetCollectionResource loading
toJSONString() - Method in interface com.wikitude.common.util.SDKBuildInformation
Returns the sdk build information in a JSON format string.
toString() - Method in class com.wikitude.common.util.ExtentF
TrackerEfficiencyMode - Enum in com.wikitude.tracker
Use this enum to define the efficiency mode of the tracker.
TrackerManager - Interface in com.wikitude.tracker
Interface to control the TrackerManager
TRACKING_PLANE_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL - Static variable in class com.wikitude.tracker.InstantTrackerConfiguration
Constant for an horizontal instant tracking initialisation plane orientation.
TRACKING_PLANE_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL - Static variable in class com.wikitude.tracker.InstantTrackerConfiguration
Constant for a vertical instant tracking initialisation plane orientation.


useSeparatedRenderAndLogicUpdates() - Method in interface com.wikitude.common.rendering.RenderExtension
Until Wikitude SDK version 2.1 onDrawFrame triggered also a logic update inside the SDK core.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.wikitude.common.rendering.RenderSettings.ExternalOpenGLESRenderDestination
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.wikitude.common.rendering.RenderSettings.RenderingAPI
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.wikitude.tracker.ImageTrackerConfiguration.ImageRecognitionRangeExtension
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.wikitude.tracker.InstantTargetRestorationConfiguration.InstantTargetExpansionPolicy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.wikitude.tracker.InstantTrackingState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.wikitude.tracker.PlaneFilter
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.wikitude.tracker.PlaneType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.wikitude.tracker.SmartAvailability
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.wikitude.tracker.TrackerEfficiencyMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.wikitude.common.rendering.RenderSettings.ExternalOpenGLESRenderDestination
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.wikitude.common.rendering.RenderSettings.RenderingAPI
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.wikitude.tracker.ImageTrackerConfiguration.ImageRecognitionRangeExtension
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.wikitude.tracker.InstantTargetRestorationConfiguration.InstantTargetExpansionPolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.wikitude.tracker.InstantTrackingState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.wikitude.tracker.PlaneFilter
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.wikitude.tracker.PlaneType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.wikitude.tracker.SmartAvailability
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.wikitude.tracker.TrackerEfficiencyMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
Vector2<T> - Class in com.wikitude.common.util
Generic class to store two objects of the same type.
Vector2() - Constructor for class com.wikitude.common.util.Vector2
Vector2(T, T) - Constructor for class com.wikitude.common.util.Vector2
Vector3<T> - Class in com.wikitude.common.util
Generic class to store three objects of the same type.
Vector3() - Constructor for class com.wikitude.common.util.Vector3
Vector3(T, T, T) - Constructor for class com.wikitude.common.util.Vector3


WIKITUDE_PERMISSION_REQUEST - Static variable in interface com.wikitude.common.permission.PermissionManager
WikitudeError - Interface in com.wikitude.common
WikitudeSDK - Class in com.wikitude
WikitudeSDK(InternalRendering) - Constructor for class com.wikitude.WikitudeSDK
Creates an instance of the Wikitude Native SDK with with InternalRendering.

There are two methods of rendering available in the Wikitude Native SDK.
WikitudeSDK(ExternalRendering) - Constructor for class com.wikitude.WikitudeSDK
Creates an instance of the Wikitude Native SDK with with ExternalRendering.

There are two methods of rendering available in the Wikitude Native SDK.


x - Variable in class com.wikitude.common.util.Vector2
x - Variable in class com.wikitude.common.util.Vector3


y - Variable in class com.wikitude.common.util.Vector2
y - Variable in class com.wikitude.common.util.Vector3


z - Variable in class com.wikitude.common.util.Vector3
C D E G H I L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z 
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