The augmented reality industry is on fire these past weeks:
- Snapchat has quietly introduced a whole new world of augmented reality right in our hands
- Pokémon Go’s AR game added $7.5 billion to Nintendo’s market value
- and just last week Moodstocks, French image recognition startup, was bought by Google
As pioneers in the field, Wikitude couldn’t be more excited with all the attention (and actual usage) augmented reality has gotten in the past week. In fact, there was an increase of 417% on Google searches for the term “augmented reality” in the past week.
About 1 year ago, the industry experienced a similar hype when Apple bought Metaio. Back then, our team helped hundreds of developers and agencies to migrate their apps to Wikitude. This time around, it won’t be different: we’re here to help Moodstocks-based apps to keep running smoothly and make a switch in just a few steps!
Wikitude offer a full stack of products to build incredible AR apps in no time!
Wikitude SDK
The Wikitude SDK is the core of our augmented reality solution set. It provides developers with a powerful SLAM rendering engine for mobile apps and smart glasses.
The latest version of the Wikitude SDK includes all the features (and more) to keep your Moodstocks app amazing your users. Here’s a list of all features:
- Geo-based AR
- Image recognition and tracking
- Object recognition and tracking
- Instant tracking
- Extended image tracking
- 3D modeling and presentation layers
- 3D tracking for Unity SDK
This means you can overlay digital content on 2D images on planar (magazines, catalogues, billboard, TV/computer screens) and non-planar surfaces (product packaging, images places on objects, etc), stick the augmentation on the user’s screen and even include location-based AR (just like the Pokémon Go app does).
Why Wikitude?
- You can build your own white-label app from scratch or include the SDK in an existing app.
- We have a sample app which you can use for base of your project and to test all features included in the SDK.
- Our set up guides are quick and easy!
- Choose among several development platforms and programming languages to build your app, such as JavaScript, Unity, Xamarin, PhoneGap, Titanium, JavaScript, native iOS and Android.
- With Wikitude you have the freedom to choose between On-Device Recognition (offline, aka client recognition), Cloud Image Recognition (online) or a ‘hybrid’(online-offline) alternative.
- Using the Wikitude Cloud recognition will allow you to add, replace or remove images without republishing your app.
- Manage your AR content with the Wikitude Studio/Target manager.
And a few more things:
- Stable technology: we are pioneers in the AR industry, first launching our AR SDK in 2009;
- 100% in-house API: our technology is robust, fast and precise, fully developed by our highly qualified R&D team;
- Fast and scalable: recognize 2D targets in less than a second (current speed: 0,5 secs). You can upload up to 50,000 images in our cloud, but if you need more, just let us know;
- Trusted by global brands: Wikitude is the largest independent AR SDK provider in the market. MasterCard, Johnson & Johnson, Volkswagen, Cisco, SAP, Konica Minolta, 20 Fox Century are some of the hundreds of Global brands using our technology;
- Smart glasses: our SDK is optimized for the industries top AR smart glasses for hands-free experiences;
- Best support team: we hear this every day and are proud of it! We’re here for you.
How to migrate from Moodstocks to Wikitude:
- Download our free SDK trial
- Set up your project with this set up guide and sample app
- Use Studio to manage your content
- Select the SDK license that best fit your pocket
Don’t be shy, if you have any questions or need help, reach out to anytime!