
Your first Target Collections

Target Collections are central to working with Cloud Recognition service. They keep all your target images and are the base for the cloud archive.

Think of TargetCollection as a directory, where your images are stored. A TargetCollection forms a logical group, which is searched as a whole. Of course you can have several TargetCollections in your account, each consisting up to 50,000 images each.

What is the difference between Cloud Archive and Target Collection

A Cloud Archive is an optimized version of your Target Collection for cloud-based recognition. Cloud Archives are in internal structure, that keeps all necessary data for performing image recognition on the server.

Structure of a TargetCollection

Property Type Description
id (String) An ID that uniquely identifies the TargetCollection
name (String) The Name of the TargetCollection, as defined by the user
creDat (Number) A timestamp when the TargetCollection was created (as returned by JavaScript's function)
modDat (Number) A timestamp when the TargetCollection was last modified (as returned by JavaScript's function)

Create a Target Collection

Creating a Target Collection is easy and can be done without any prerequisites in your account. In general it is your starting point and most likely your very first action.

Call the endpoint (using the domain of one of the regional servers)


with the mandatory name field as a POST request and you will create a new TargetCollection. The response will contain a TargetCollection object, where the ID is most important parameter. You can also add metadata to a TargetCollection in case you want to some additional descriptive information. The next step is to add images to your TargetCollection, so they can be recognized.

Add Target Images

A Target is an plain image that can be recognized by the Wikitude Cloud Recognition service. Adding or creating a target means to provide a URL to your image to the server, which then downloads the image, analyzes it and adds it to the TargetCollection. To add an image call the endpoint


with the ID of the TargetCollection, where you want to add the image. You need to add the a field imageUrl to your request. The image must be publicly accessible. Pay attention to the optional fields name and metadata. name is a unique identifier for your target within the TargetCollection. It is up to you to set and use this. The same is true for the metadata object, which takes a full JSON object and can be filled with any value you like. The metadata object will be present in the recognition response.

Important: You are not done yet. As a next step you need to Generate the Cloud Archive of your TargetCollection.

Structure of a Target

Property Type Description
id (String) An ID that uniquely identifies the Target
name (String) The Name of the Target, as defined by the user
imageUrl (String) The URL pointing to the original, uncompressed and uncropped Target binary file
thumbnailUrl (String) The URL pointing to a thumbnail representation of the Target
rating (Number) The rating (from 0 to 3) of the Target
fileSize (Number) The file size of the original Target binary image file, in bytes
physicalHeight (Number) The physical (real world) height of the target, in millimeters
creDat (Number) A timestamp when the Target was created (as returned by JavaScript's function)
modDat (Number) A timestamp when the Target was last modified (as returned by JavaScript's function)
metadata (JSON) Arbitrary JSON data that is stored together with the target.

Generate a Cloud Archive

Once you are done with adding targets you need to tell the server that it should generate your TargetCollection into a Cloud Archive. Call


again with the ID of your TargetCollection and the process will be started. Since this call is asynchronous you will receive the response immediately with a path in the Location-property in the header of the response. By calling the url with the path, for example


with a GET-method request, you will see the status of the progress of the cloud archive generation in the response body as a JSON object. When the generation is completed, the cloud archive is available for recognition. Note that the generation process can take a while when generating a large TargetCollection for the first time. Small additions to existing cloud archives are processed a lot faster.

Everytime you change a target (add/delete) you need to manually call Generate Cloud Archive for your target collection. Otherwise
  • your newly added image will not be recognized
  • your deleted image will still be recognized

Your Cloud Archive is now ready on the server and can be used in combination with the Wikitude SDK from your app. See the SDK sample called Cloud Recognition for more details.

Additional calls

Beside the above described steps the Manager API also offers to Delete TargetCollections and Delete Targets.

Using GET request you can query details about a single TargetCollection, all Target Collections in your account, a single Target and all Targets within a TargetCollection.

The physical height and the metadata of an existing target can be updated.