
Migration Notes

Migrate to 9.10

  • The Android Gradle Plugin version was raised to 4.2.2
    • Update classpath to in build.gradle of your app's project.
    • Update distributionUrl to https\:// in gradle/wrapper/ of your project.

Migrate to 9.9

  • Minimum Android SDK Version was raised to Android 6.0 (API level 23)
    • Update minSdkVersion to 23 in build.gradle or the manifest of your app.

Migrate to 9.3

  • Minimum Android SDK Version was raised to Android 5.1 (API level 22)
    • Update minSdkVersion to 22 in build.gradle or the manifest of your app.

Migrate from 8.9.1 to 8.10

  • Minimum Android SDK Version was raised to Android 5.0 (API level 21)
    • Update minSdkVersion to 21 in build.gradle or the manifest of your app.

Migrate from 8.1.0-3.5.2 to 8.2-?.?.?

  • JS API:
    • AR.ImageTrackable
      • onDragBegan, onDragChanged, onDragEnded now receive ray-plane-intersection coordinates as two additional input float parameters - these parameters allow the drag gesture to be rotationally invariant and provide absolute positions for it
      • AR.ObjectTrackable
        • onDragBegan, onDragChanged, onDragEnded now receive ray-plane-intersection coordinates as two additional input float parameters - these parameters allow the drag gesture to be rotationally invariant and provide absolute positions for it

Migrate from 5.0.0-3.1.0 to 6.0.0-3.4.0

No public changes

Migrate from 4.1.0-3.0.0 to 5.0.0-3.1.0

No public changes

Migrate from 4.0.x-2.1.0 to 4.1.0-3.0.0

This release updates the Wikitude Cordova Plugin to support the latest Wikitude SDK API changes.

It is now possible to start the Wikitude Cordova Plugin with either an active front or back camera. In addition ARchitect Worlds can now be loaded with a set of different required features. Required features specify which parts of the SDK are required in an ARchitect World and the Wikitude SDK can run more efficiently. The loadArchitectWorldFromURL function now accepts additional parameters which provide access to this new APIs.

  • updated isDeviceSupported:

    • new parameter requiredFeatures Specifies which Wikitude SDK features are needed on the device
  • updated loadArchitectWorldFromURL

    • new parameter requiredFeatures Defines which Wikitude SDK features are used by the ARchitect World
    • new parameter startupConfiguration Defines if the SDK should start with an active back or front camera

Migrate from 3.3.0-2.0 to 4.0.0-2.1

  • Nothing special to consider. Plugin 4.0.0-2.1 is compatible with PhoneGap 3.5
  • Starting with Wikitude SDK 4.0 a valid license key is mandatory for starting the SDK. An empty license key will block the SDK. A free trial key can be generated on the license page (free account required).
  • The Wikitude SDK 4.0 introduces a new file format for target collections (wtc). In order to unleash the full power of the new Wikitude SDK 4.0 read this section and re-generate your targets.

Migrate from 3.2.1 (early 2014) to 3.3.0-2.0


  • The Wikitude Cordova Plugin now supports the instantiation in an image recognition-only mode (IR-only mode). To do so, set the WikitudePlugin._augmentedRealityMode to IR (WikitudePlugin.js line 27) and the location services will not be started.

  • The Wikitude Plugin now behaves the same as the PhoneGap application when the user rotates the device.

Android: No changes

Migrate from 3.2.1 (late 2013) to 3.2.1 (early 2014)

The WikitudePlugin.js file is now a js-module instead of a asset for plugman. This removes the manual step to add a script tag to index.html which included the WikitudePlugin.js file. To update existing projects, please to the following steps:

  1. Remove the WikitudePlugin from the project using plugman uninstall
  2. Remove the WikitudePlugin.js script tag inside index.html
  3. Install the WikitudePlugin using plugman install
  4. Add a new line in index.js (or where ever you're using the WikitudePlugin in your project) calling var wikitudePlugin = cordova.require("com.wikitude.phonegap.WikitudePlugin.WikitudePlugin")