
iOS App Store submissions

Removing simulator architectures

To work around an Xcode App Store submission bug, the WikitudeNativeSDK.framework contains a shell script that removes the simulator architectures from the .framework. This script can either be run from the Terminal application or a Run Script Phase in Xcode.

Here is a snippet for the Terminal application. Note that the path to the script and the path to the WikitudeNativeSDK.framework needs to be known.

sh *PATH/TO/THE/WIKITUDE/SDK/PACKAGE*/Tools/Scripts/ -s -p *PATH/TO/THE/WikitudeNativeSDK.framework

To run this script in a Run Script Phase, simply copy the following snippet into a new Run Script Phase text field. Please make sure that the Run Script Phase is positioned right after the Embed Frameworks build phase (You can reorder individual build phases).

sh "${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${FRAMEWORKS_FOLDER_PATH}/WikitudeNativeSDK.framework/" -s -p "${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${FRAMEWORKS_FOLDER_PATH}/WikitudeNativeSDK.framework"


The WikitudeNativeSDK.framework contains Bitcode information to support App Thinning. Building a .framework with bitcode enabled leads to a larger file size. In case the application that uses the WikitudeNativeSDK.framework does not support bitcode and file size is a problem, bitcode information can be removed using the shell script. This script can either be run from the Terminal application or a Run Script Phase in Xcode. Wikitude recommends to use the Terminal application to not unnecessarily increase build time.

Here is a snippet for the Terminal application. Note that the path to the script and the path to the WikitudeNativeSDK.framework needs to be known.

sh *PATH/TO/THE/WIKITUDE/SDK/PACKAGE*/Tools/Scripts/ -s -p *PATH/TO/THE/WikitudeNativeSDK.framework

Here is a snippet for the Run Script Phase. Simply copy this snippet into the script phase text field:

sh "${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${FRAMEWORKS_FOLDER_PATH}/WikitudeNativeSDK.framework/" -s -p "${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${FRAMEWORKS_FOLDER_PATH}/WikitudeNativeSDK.framework"