
Release Notes Wikitude SDK

Wikitude SDK 8.3.2

Release Date: 2019-03-11


  • Fixes an instant tracking issue where augmentations did not render correctly after the device orientation changed

Wikitude SDK 8.3.0

Release Date: 2019-02-26


  • Release of Native API for UWP platform
  • Support for Vuzix M300 for JavaScript API
  • General upgrade of computer vision engine increasing reliability and speed for Image, Object and Instant Trackers



  • Fixes potential crash caused by ongoing network connections while destroying the SDK
  • Fixes an issue that caused instant tracking plane clicks to be registered incorrectly while not tracking
  • Fixes an issue that caused onRotationChanged callbacks to not obey the threshold correctly (missing invocations for values close to 180°)
  • Fixes rare crash when extended object tracking is frequently stopped and restarted

Wikitude SDK 8.2.0

Release Date: 2018-11-10


  • Beta Release of Native API for UWP platform


  • Adds new parameters to ImageTrackable and ObjectTrackable onDrag{Began,Changed,Ended} callbacks that are hit tested against the tracking plane so that gestures can be implemented according to orientation of target


  • Fixes issue that caused model animations to not be resumed correctly upon losing and re-recognizing a target
  • Fixes an issue in the custom camera sample that caused a black frame to be rendered when certain 3D model were in the scene
  • Fixes an occasional crash for certain image targets when energy efficient tracking was enabled

Wikitude SDK 8.1.0

Release Date: 2018-09-11


  • Support and compatibility for iOS 12
  • Support and compatibility for Android 9.0
  • API to explicitly set efficiency mode for trackers for fast processing
  • Mandatory Group ID parameter for cloud recognition


  • Increased stability when tracking objects and scenes
  • Increased recognition accuracy for multiple objects in object target collection
  • Increased stability for Instant Tracking for rotational movements
  • General improvements to Instant Tracking for more accurate tracking and representation


  • Fixes issue where recognising an image was not possible when the device was close to the image
  • Fixes instability(flickering augmentations) of continuous cloud recognition
  • Fixes ADE issues with Object Tracking and Occluders

Wikitude SDK 8.0.0

Release Date: 05.07.2018


  • Ability to save Instant Tracking session as Instant Targets
  • Ability to load Instant Targets
  • Major update to the engine powering Object Tracker resulting in better recognition accuracy and better tracking stability
  • Introduction of new wto format version
  • New method to generate Object Targets using images instead of videos
  • New camera APIs to control exposure setting and focus area



Wikitude SDK 7.2.1

Release Date: 21.02.2018


  • Fixes a bug where trial license did not allow to use Instant Tracking
  • Fixes a potential deadlock for cloud recognition that occurred in rare cases -Fixes a deadlock related to AR.HtmlDrawables

Wikitude SDK 7.2.0

Release Date: 05.02.2018


  • SMART - Wikitude's integration of ARKit and ARCore



  • Fixes an issue that occurred when AR.Model objects were assigned as instant tracking initialization drawables

Wikitude SDK 7.1.0

Release Date: 19.09.2017



  • Improved OpenGL ES resource handling


  • Fixes an object tracker issue where the onTargetsLoaded callback was called before all object targets were extracted
  • Fixes an issue where Plugin::pause was not called in case it was unregistered from the SDK
  • Fixes an issue where the SDK could crash in case a new tracker was created while another one was already tracking
  • Fixes an issue where loading .wto files could have happened on the main thread
  • Fixes an issue where the SDK could have crashed in case a target collection resource was released
  • Fixes an issue where the SDK could have crashed in case a cloud recognition service was released
  • Fixes an issue where cloud recognition could crash after a new target was detected
  • Fixes an issue where the SDK could crash in case the camera was disabled at runtime and a tracker was tracking
  • Fixes an issue in the Wikitude 3D Encoder where a crash could happen in case a 3D Model had all model animation keyframe timestamps below 1
  • Fixes an issue where certain AR.Model animations are not rendered correctly
  • Fixes an issue where instant tracking initialisation drawables would not be rendered
  • Fixes an issue with AR.Model where pausing quickly after creation would break the rendering completely
  • Fixes an issue with AR.Model on some devices (i.e. Samsung Tab 4) where the rendering could be broken completely or initial scaling could be incorrect
  • Fixes an issue with AR.context.destroyAll where some objects might not have been destroyed

Wikitude SDK 7.0.0

Release Date: 13.07.2017


  • Object Recognition and Tracking
  • Support for multiple Image Targets
  • New hit-testing API for SLAM engine
  • Option for Extended Range for Image Recognition
  • Option for InstantTracker to choose initial plane orientation
  • New AR.Occluder that acts as occlusion model
  • New option to forward logs from AR.logger to AndroidStudio or Xcode


  • Updated SLAM engine improves performance and accuracy for InstantTracker and Extended Tracking
  • Plugins access to currently tracked target
  • Plugins provide more details about image, object and instant targets
  • Improved calibration accuracy


  • Return appropriate return values in the gesture event callbacks
  • Issue where setting AR.Drawable.rotate was not resulting in a correct rotation