WTInstantTracker Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in WTInstantTracker.h


Instant trackers start in initializing state, during which the origin of the tracked scene can be set by rotating the device. Displaying a gravity aligned plane or target in the center of the screen can help users through this process. After this was set, the instant tracker can instantly transition to the tracking state, during which the actual tracking of the scene takes place.


The delegate object that is associated with this instant tracker object.

@property (nonatomic, weak) id<WTInstantTrackerDelegate> delegate


The delegate object is usually set through the appropriate WTTrackerManager factory method.

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– setActiveInstantTrackingState:

Changes the tracking state of the instant tracker

- (void)setActiveInstantTrackingState:(WTInstantTrackingState)state



The new state to which the instant tracker should switch to


The tracking state is not changed immediately, and the didChangeState method can be used to get notified of exactly when that happens.

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– setDeviceHeightAboveGround:

Allows changing the estimated height at which the device is currently above the ground.

- (void)setDeviceHeightAboveGround:(float)height



The estimated device height above the ground in meters


Setting this to an appropriate value will allow the augmentations to have a scale close to the one they would have in reality.

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– setTrackingPlaneOrientation:

Allows changing the orientation of the plane with which the instant tracking initializes

- (void)setTrackingPlaneOrientation:(float)trackingPlaneOrientation



The orientation of the tracking plane in degrees


The orientation can only be changed if the active instant tracking state is WTInstantTrackerInitializing. It can be set to all values between 360 and -360. This can enable e.g. easier tracking on walls and ceilings.

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– convertScreenCoordinate:toPointCloudCoordinateOnQueue:completion:

use this method to perform a hit test on the point cloud coming from the instant tracker.

When invoking this method, a block on the given operation queue is dispatched which performs the hit test operation. In case there is no point at the given screen coordinate, the BOOL property in the completion handler is set to NO. Otherwise the given 3d coordinate can be used to position an augmentation at this point.

- (void)convertScreenCoordinate:(CGPoint)screenCoordinate toPointCloudCoordinateOnQueue:(NSOperationQueue *)operationQueue completion:(WTInstantTrackingCoordinateConversionHandler)completionHandler



The screen coordinate for that a hit test should be performed


The operation queue on which the hit test computation should be performed


The block that should be called when the hit test computation finishes

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– requestCurrentPointCloudOnQueue:representedThroughDataProvider:

use this method to get all points of the current point cloud that is managed by this instant tracker

When invoking this method, a block on the given operation queue is dispatched which performs the point cloud retrieval.

- (void)requestCurrentPointCloudOnQueue:(NSOperationQueue *)operationQueue representedThroughDataProvider:(WTInstantTrackingPointCloudDataProvider *)dataProvider



The operation queue on which the point cloud retrieval is performed


The data provider that should be used to provide the current point cloud.

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– canStartTracking

Use this method to query whether a state change from initialization state to tracking state can be performed.

- (BOOL)canStartTracking

Return Value

A BOOL value indicating the viability of a subsequent state change. YES for viable, NO for not viable.


For Wikitude’s instant tracking algorithm, this function currently always returns YES because the state change is always possible. For ARKit this function performs a hit test internally to check whether the state can be switched or not. Theoretically, the state change could still be unsuccessful after this function has indicated otherwise due to a hit test position that differs and a temporal delay between the two calls. Practically, this is the best we can do and it works consistently.

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