Image Recognition
This example shows how to recognize images in the viewfinder and overlay it with images.
For a better understanding, here are some terms that will be used in the following and other section of this documentation related to vision-based augmented reality.
Target: A 2D target image and its associated extracted data that is used by the tracker to recognize an image.
Target Collection: An archive storing a collection of 2D targets that can be recognized by the tracker. A target collection can hold up to 1000 targets. Target collections are stored as
filesImageTracker: The tracker analyzes the live camera image and detects the 2D targets stored in its associated target collection. Multiple trackers can be created, however only one tracker can be active for recognition at any given time.
Simple Image Tracking Android
In this section we will go through the code of the SimpleClientTrackingActivity
, which you can find in the example application under the package com.wikitude.samples.recognition.client
. We will discuss general concepts on how to use the Wikitude Native SDK as we go along, please don't skip this section even if you are for example only interested in cloud recognition.
The WikitudeSDK
class is structured to be used in a standard Android activity and to make use of the activities life cycle events. We will use interfaces to communicate to the WikitudeSDK
which type of rendering method we would like to use and to provide the necessary callbacks for Client- and Cloud-Trackers.
First let us have a look at the declaration of the activity class.
public class SimpleClientTrackingActivity extends Activity implements ImageTrackerListener, ExternalRendering {
We subclass the standard Android activity and implement the interfaces ImageTrackerListener
and ExternalRendering
. Later on when we create the instance of the WikitudeSDK we will pass the this
pointer of our activity to the WikitudeSDK constructor and this way indicate our chosen type of rendering. In this example we will use external rendering, for details on how to setup the rendering and the difference between internal and external rendering please read through the section on rendering.
The next step we will take is create an instance of the WikitudeSDK
class. This and the NativeStartupConfiguration
are the only objects you will need to create by yourself, every other object will be created by factory methods of the WikitudeSDK
We are now going through each method of the SimpleClientTrackingActivity
class, starting with onCreate
. In the onCreate
method we instantiate an instance of the WikitudeSDK
, and an instance of the NativeStartupConfiguration
, which will hold our license key. If you do not have a license key yet, read this chapter on how to obtain a free trial key. After that we are ready to propagate the onCreate life cycle event to the Wikitude SDK. It is very important that you do propagate onCreate, onPause and onResume otherwise the Wikitude SDK won't be able to properly manage its resources which will lead to unexpected behavior.
After we called the WikitudeSDK onCreate method the SDK is initialized and we are now able to create a TargetCollectionResource
and an ImageTracker
. To do that we get the TrackerManager
from the WikitudeSDK
instance and call createTargetCollectionResource
passing the url to the WTC file. Since we are loading an asset on the device we indicate that by starting the url with the string file:///android_asset/ and add the path to the file starting from the asset root directory.
To get notified when the Target Collection Resource finished loading, we can implement the second parameter of the createTargetCollectionResource
. The onError method is called when the file at the specified url could not be loaded and onFinish is called when loading was successfully completed. At this point we can create the ImageTracker
that will use this newly created Target Collection Resource by calling the createImageTracker
method from the TrackerManager
To get notified when the Tracker finished loading, recognized a target and so on we register the Activity which implements ImageTrackerListener as a Listener by passing this
as the second parameter to the function.
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
mWikitudeSDK = new WikitudeSDK(this);
NativeStartupConfiguration startupConfiguration = new NativeStartupConfiguration();
mWikitudeSDK.onCreate(getApplicationContext(), this, startupConfiguration);
mTargetCollectionResource = mWikitudeSDK.getTrackerManager().createTargetCollectionResource("file:///android_asset/", new TargetCollectionResourceLoadingCallback() {
public void onError(int errorCode, String errorMessage) {
Log.v(TAG, "Failed to load target collection resource. Reason: " + errorMessage);
public void onFinish() {
mWikitudeSDK.getTrackerManager().createImageTracker(mTargetCollectionResource, SimpleClientTrackingActivity.this, null);
The next important method to look at is the onRenderExtensionCreated
method. Since we decided to use the external rendering functionality by implementing ExternalRendering
, the WikitudeSDK
provides us with a RenderExtension. The RenderExtension interface exposes the same methods as the standard GLSurfaceView.Renderer
. In your custom GLSurfaceView.Renderer
the first thing to do in every method is to always call the same method on the provided RenderExtension. To be able to that we pass the RenderExtension to the constructor of our Renderer
, create our SurfaceView
, initialize a Driver
and set our SurfaceView
as our content view.
public void onRenderExtensionCreated(final RenderExtension renderExtension) {
mGLRenderer = new GLRenderer(renderExtension);
mView = new CustomSurfaceView(getApplicationContext(), mGLRenderer);
mDriver = new Driver(mView, 30);
Next we will have a look at the ImageTrackerListener
interface. The onErrorLoadingTargets
method will be called like the name suggest when the Wikitude SDK wasn't able to load the targets from the target collection resource into the image tracker. This is called, for example, when the loading of the file was successful, but the contents were corrupted or somehow incompatible with the image tracker. The onTargetsLoaded
method will be called once when the targets were successfully loaded into the tracker. When the image tracker first recognizes a target it will call onImageRecognized
providing you with the recognized target name. When the image tracker starts tracking this target it will call onImageTracked
continuously until it loses the target and finishes tracking with a call to onImageLost
The ImageTarget
object provided in the onImageTracked
method contains information about the tracked target like the name, the distance to the target and most importantly the matrices which describe where on the camera frame the target was found. We create a StrokedRectangle
instance when the image is recognized, update its matrices when it is tracked and remove is when it is lost. The scale values being set allow for the StrokedRectangle
to adjust to the target's aspect ratio.
public void onTargetsLoaded(ImageTracker tracker) {
Log.v(TAG, "Image tracker loaded");
public void onErrorLoadingTargets(ImageTracker tracker, int errorCode, final String errorMessage) {
Log.v(TAG, "Unable to load image tracker. Reason: " + errorMessage);
public void onImageRecognized(ImageTracker tracker, final ImageTarget target) {
Log.v(TAG, "Recognized target " + target.getName());
StrokedRectangle strokedRectangle = new StrokedRectangle(StrokedRectangle.Type.STANDARD);
mGLRenderer.setRenderablesForKey(target.getName() + target.getUniqueId(), strokedRectangle, null);
public void onImageTracked(ImageTracker tracker, final ImageTarget target) {
StrokedRectangle strokedRectangle = (StrokedRectangle)mGLRenderer.getRenderableForKey(target.getName() + target.getUniqueId());
if (strokedRectangle != null) {
strokedRectangle.projectionMatrix = target.getProjectionMatrix();
strokedRectangle.viewMatrix = target.getViewMatrix();
public void onImageLost(ImageTracker tracker, final ImageTarget target) {
Log.v(TAG, "Lost target " + target.getName());
mGLRenderer.removeRenderablesForKey(target.getName() + target.getUniqueId());
Multiple Image Targets Tracking
This section is concerned with extending the simple image recognition sample to allow for multiple targets to be recognized and tracked simultaneously.
Firstly, in onCreate
, we change the configuration that is being passed to the TrackerManager
when creating an ImageTracker
. Specifically, we set the maximum number of concurrently trackable targets to 5, set the threshold to register distance changes to 10 millimeters and set the physical targets heights of the two targets being used to 252 millimeters (252mm corresponds to their height when being printed with 100% scaling on A4 paper). The limit of at most 5 targets being tracked simultaneously is merely a performance optimization that takes effect once 5 targets have actually been recognized as the search for additional ones can be suspended. If your use case allows setting this parameter, we recommend you doing so.
mTargetCollectionResource = mWikitudeSDK.getTrackerManager().createTargetCollectionResource("file:///android_asset/", new TargetCollectionResourceLoadingCallback() {
public void onFinish() {
HashMap<String, Integer> physicalTargetImageHeights = new HashMap<>();
physicalTargetImageHeights.put("pageOne", 252);
physicalTargetImageHeights.put("pageTwo", 252);
ImageTrackerConfiguration trackerConfiguration = new ImageTrackerConfiguration();
mWikitudeSDK.getTrackerManager().createImageTracker(mTargetCollectionResource, MultipleTargetsImageTrackingActivity.this, trackerConfiguration);
Additionally, we alter the code such that multiple rectangle augmentations can be draw; one for each target currently being tracked. The onImageRecognized
allocates a new StrokedRectangle
instance and registers it with the GLRenderer
instance. The key being used for registration is a combination of the image target name and a unique ID that allows for identical targets being recognized to be distinguished from one another. The onImageTracked
function updates the previously registered rectangles with the matrices and scales from the input ImageTarget
. The onImageLost
function correspondingly removes the rectangle instance that pertains to the image target that has been lost.
public void onImageRecognized(ImageTracker tracker, final ImageTarget target) {
StrokedRectangle strokedRectangle = new StrokedRectangle(StrokedRectangle.Type.STANDARD);
mGLRenderer.setRenderablesForKey(target.getName() + target.getUniqueId(), strokedRectangle, null);
public void onImageTracked(ImageTracker tracker, final ImageTarget target) {
StrokedRectangle strokedRectangle = (StrokedRectangle)mGLRenderer.getRenderableForKey(target.getName() + target.getUniqueId());
if (strokedRectangle != null) {
strokedRectangle.projectionMatrix = target.getProjectionMatrix();
strokedRectangle.viewMatrix = target.getViewMatrix();
public void onImageLost(ImageTracker tracker, final ImageTarget target) {
mGLRenderer.removeRenderablesForKey(target.getName() + target.getUniqueId());
Lastly, we extend the Activity
such that it can recognize a change in distance between the targets being tracked. To do so, we add a private member variable of type ImageTarget.OnDistanceBetweenTargetsListener
and initialize it with a newly allocated instance of that type, overriding the onDistanceBetweenTargetsChanged
function. In its function body a color is chosen based on the distance between two targets such that targets being closer than 300 millimeters get a non-orange color. Specifically, blue for two identical targets and red for two distinct targets. If any interactions between specific image targets are desired, the name contained in the image target parameters passed in would have to be used to identify such a case.
private final ImageTarget.OnDistanceBetweenTargetsListener mDistanceListener = new ImageTarget.OnDistanceBetweenTargetsListener() {
public void onDistanceBetweenTargetsChanged(int distance, ImageTarget firstTarget, ImageTarget secondTarget) {
float r = 1.0f;
float g = 0.58f;
float b = 0.16f;
if (distance < 300.0f) {
if (firstTarget.getName().equals(secondTarget.getName())) {
r = 0.0f;
g = 0.0f;
b = 1.0f;
} else {
r = 1.0f;
g = 0.0f;
b = 0.0f;
StrokedRectangle firstStrokedRectangle = (StrokedRectangle)mGLRenderer.getRenderableForKey(firstTarget.getName() + firstTarget.getUniqueId());
if (firstStrokedRectangle != null) {
firstStrokedRectangle.setColor(r, g, b);
StrokedRectangle secondStrokedRectangle = (StrokedRectangle)mGLRenderer.getRenderableForKey(secondTarget.getName() + secondTarget.getUniqueId());
if (secondStrokedRectangle != null) {
secondStrokedRectangle.setColor(r, g, b);
To have the onDistanceBetweenTargetsChanged
function called, the listener object is registered to and unregistered from the ImageTarget
in onImageRecognized
and onImageLost
public void onImageRecognized(ImageTracker tracker, final ImageTarget target) {
public void onImageLost(ImageTracker tracker, final ImageTarget target) {
Extended Image Tracking
Extended tracking is an optional mode you can set for each target separately. In this mode the Wikitude SDK will try to continue to scan the environment of the user even if the original target image is not in view anymore. So the tracking extends beyond the limits of the original target image. The performance of this feature depends on various factors like computing power of the device, background texture and objects.
Based on the previous sample, to enable Extended Tracking for a tracker you need to provide a String array which defines which targets should be extended. In this sample we simply set a wildcard *
so that all targets in this tracker are extended.
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
mTargetCollectionResource = mWikitudeSDK.getTrackerManager().createTargetCollectionResource("file:///android_asset/",
new TargetCollectionResourceLoadingCallback() {
public void onFinish() {
ImageTrackerConfiguration trackerConfiguration = new ImageTrackerConfiguration();
trackerConfiguration.setExtendedTargets(new String[]{"*"});
mImageTracker = mWikitudeSDK.getTrackerManager().createImageTracker(mTargetCollectionResource, ExtendedClientTrackingActivity.this, trackerConfiguration);