WTStartupConfiguration Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Conforms to NSCopying
Declared in WTStartupConfiguration.h


WTStartupConfiguration represents configuration values that are used during the SDK startup. If any of the defined properties can not be applied, an error is given to the debug delegate and also an error message is printed in the Xcode console.


The capture device resolution that should be used when the SDK starts. If the resolution is not supported by the current device, then a default resolution is used.

@property (nonatomic, assign) WTCaptureDeviceResolution captureDeviceResolution


The capture device resolution that should be used when the SDK starts. If the resolution is not supported by the current device, then a default resolution is used.

@default WTCaptureDeviceResolution_SD_640x480

Declared In



The capture device preset that should be used when the SDK starts. If the preset is not supported by the current device, then a default preset is used.

@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *WT_DEPRECATED_SINCE ( 6.0 .0 , "Use captureDeviceResolution instead." )


The capture device preset that should be used when the SDK starts. If the preset is not supported by the current device, then a default preset is used.

Declared In



The capture device position that should be used when the SDK starts. If the position is not supported by the current device, then a default position is used.

@property (nonatomic, assign) AVCaptureDevicePosition captureDevicePosition


The capture device position that should be used when the SDK starts. If the position is not supported by the current device, then a default position is used.

@default AVCaptureDevicePositionBack

Declared In



The capture device focus mode that should be used when the SDK starts. If the given focus mode is not supported by the current device, then a default focus mode is used.

@property (nonatomic, assign) AVCaptureFocusMode captureDeviceFocusMode


The capture device focus mode that should be used when the SDK starts. If the given focus mode is not supported by the current device, then a default focus mode is used.

Warning: Most front cameras do not support a specific focus mode. They will always fall back to a continuous focus mode

@default AVCaptureFocusModeContinuousAutoFocus

Declared In



The capture device focus distance that should be used when the SDK starts. In case the focus distance is not supported by the current device, then a default focus distance is used.

@property (nonatomic, assign) float captureDeviceFocusDistance


The capture device focus distance that should be used when the SDK starts. In case the focus distance is not supported by the current device, then a default focus distance is used.

Warning: Setting the focus distance is only supported since iOS 10. All devices with a lower iOS version will use the default focus distance.

@default -1.0

Declared In



The capture device focus range restriction that should be used when the SDK starts. If the given focus range restriction is not supported by the current device, then this property is ignored.

@property (nonatomic, assign) AVCaptureAutoFocusRangeRestriction captureDeviceFocusRangeRestriction


The capture device focus range restriction that should be used when the SDK starts. If the given focus range restriction is not supported by the current device, then this property is ignored.

Please refer to the official AVCaptureAutoFocusRangeRestriction documentation for more information.

@default AVCaptureAutoFocusRangeRestrictionNone

Declared In



The target frame rate at which the SDK should run.

@property (nonatomic, assign) CMTime targetFrameRate


The target frame rate at which the SDK should run.

Use the convenience function WTMakeTargetFrameRate60FPS or WTMakeTargetFrameRate30FPS to construct a correct CMTime struct for a desired frame rate. The default value is 30 FPS.

Warning: If the given frame rate can not be applied for the current device, the default value will be used.

@default WTMakeTargetFrameRate30FPS

Declared In



Per default the Wikitude SDK would not consider capture device formats that are binned.

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL shouldExcludeBinnedVideoFormats


Per default the Wikitude SDK would not consider capture device formats that are binned.

Binned videos have a pixel dimension of the given format, but the actual content might have a lower resolution. The content is then upscaled to fill the actual format dimension. This upscaling leads then to rendering artifacts in the camera image.

If this limitation should be disabled, this property can be set to NO. The default value is YES.

@default YES

Declared In



Defines if the iOS SDK device sensor calibration display should be shown or not in case device sensors calibration is needed.

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL shouldUseSystemDeviceSensorCalibrationDisplay


Defines if the iOS SDK device sensor calibration display should be shown or not in case device sensors calibration is needed.

For iOS 9, the current view controller will receive calls to -viewWillDisappear:/-viewWillAppear: in case the system calibration screen is shown. Please make sure that the Wikitude SDK is not stopped/started as this would constantly switch between the calibration view and Wikitude SDK view. Implement the Wikitude SDK delegate method -: in order to observe the calibration status and to not pause the Wikitude SDK during that time.

@default NO

Declared In



Defines if an CMMotionManager instance can be created internally or not. If not, the given subclass of type WTExternalCMMotionManagerDataAccessMode defines how external CMMotionManager is accessed.

@property (nonatomic, strong) WTExternalCMMotionManagerDataAccessMode *externalCMMotionManagerDataAccessMode


Defines if an CMMotionManager instance can be created internally or not. If not, the given subclass of type WTExternalCMMotionManagerDataAccessMode defines how external CMMotionManager is accessed.

@default nil

Declared In


+ transferStartupConfiguration:toStartupConfiguration:

Utility method to transfer a certain startup configuration to a different one.

+ (void)transferStartupConfiguration:(WTStartupConfiguration *)sourceStartupConfiguration toStartupConfiguration:(WTStartupConfiguration *)destinationStartupConfiguration



The startup configuration from which values are read


The startup configuraiton to which values should be written to


Utility method to transfer a certain startup configuration to a different one.

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