WTImageTrackerConfiguration Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in WTImageTrackerConfiguration.h


An array of NSString objects that represent which targets of the .wtc file should be treated as extended targets.

@property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray *extendedTargets


The extended targets array is usually set through the client tracker creation factory method.

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Defines the image recognition range extension that should be used when target image recognition is active.

@property (nonatomic, assign) WTImageRecognitionRangeExtension imageRecognitionRangeExtension


Warning: Setting this property to WTImageRecognitionRangeExtension_On on 32 bit devices will work but slows down computer vision algorithms performance noticable

@default WTImageRecognitionRangeExtension_Auto

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Use this property to specify the physical height of individual image targets that are included in the .wtc file.

Physical target image heights are necessary as soon as any distance related API is used from the WTImageTarget

@property (nonatomic, strong) NSDictionary<NSString*NSNumber*> *physicalTargetImageHeights


This property is helpful if the physical image target height definition is missing in the .wtc file or if the values should be overriden with the given ones.

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An integer value denoting how many concurrent targets are to be recognized and tracked simultaneously.

@property (nonatomic, assign) int maximumNumberOfConcurrentlyTrackableTargets


Depending on the current device, more targets can be recognized and tracked simultaneously. In case the maximum number of simultaneously targets is known for a specific use case, it’s good advice to set this property. The Wikitude Native SDK will stop searching for new image targets in case the limit is reached which results in better battery lifetime

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Use this property to limit the number of distance changed callbacks comming from the WTImageTargetDelegate.

The value is interpreted as distance in millimeter.

@property (nonatomic, assign) float distanceChangedThreshold


In order to receive accurate distance values, please provide physical target height information in the .wtc file or through the physicalTargetImageHeights property

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