WTCloudTracker Class Reference

Inherits from WTBaseTracker : NSObject
Declared in WTCloudTracker.h


Cloud tracker require a continuous internet connection in order to communicate with the Wikitude cloud recognition server.


Represents if the tracker could be loaded or not.

@property (nonatomic, assign, readonly) BOOL isLoaded

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The delegate object that is associated with this cloud tracker object.

@property (nonatomic, weak) id<WTCloudTrackerDelegate> delegate


The delegate object is usually set through the appropriate WTTrackerManager factory method.

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– extendedTargets

An array of NSString objects that represent which targets of the .wtc file should be treated as extended targets.

- (nullable NSArray *)extendedTargets


The extended targets array is usually set through the client tracker creation factory method.

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– recognize:errorHandler:

Triggers a single device/server communication to find out if a image target occurs in the current camera frame

- (void)recognize:(WTCloudRecognitionSuccessHandler)successHandler errorHandler:(WTCloudRecognitionErrorHandler)errorHandler



A block object that is called whenever the device/server communication was successful


A block object that is called whenever the device/server communication could not be established or any other error occured


This method can be used to trigger a single cloud recognition session. This includes capturing the current camera frame, sending it to the Wikitude cloud recognition server, evaluate the frame and sending back the response. If the server could process the camera frame, the successHandler is called, independent of the evaluation result. One can use the WTCloudRecognitionResponse object, that is the only parameter to the successHandler, to retrieve more information about the server processing. If no connection to the server could be established or any other problem occured, the errorHanlder block gets invoked, providing more information about what went wrong.

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– startContinuousRecognitionWithInterval:successHandler:interruptionHandler:errorHandler:NS_SWIFT_NAME:

Starts a continuous cloud recognition session

- (void)startContinuousRecognitionWithInterval:(NSTimeInterval)interval successHandler:(nullable WTCloudRecognitionSuccessHandler)successHandler interruptionHandler:(nullable WTContinuousCloudRecognitionInterruptionHandler)interruptionHandler errorHandler:(nullable WTCloudRecognitionErrorHandler)errorHandler NS_SWIFT_NAME



The interval in which new camera frames should be send to the Wikitude cloud recognition server


A block object that is invoked whenever teh device/server communication was successful. This happens with the given interval.


A block object that is invoked every time the given interval is to short in order to process one request after the other.


A block object that is invoked whenever the device/server communication could not be established or any other error occured


Calling this method does essentially the same as a single call to -recognize:errorHandler, but repeats this with the given interval. If the given interval is too short and the previous request hasn’t finished when the next one should be send, the interruption handler is called with a newly suggested interval. So within the interruption handler, the current continuous recognition session should be stopped and started again with the given interval. If not, requests will be dropped.

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– stopContinuousRecognition

Stops the current continuous recognition session

Calling this method will immediately stop any new device/servier communication but still deliver the result from any, currently ongoing, device/server communication

- (void)stopContinuousRecognition

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