WTTargetCollectionResource Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in WTTargetCollectionResource.h


Target Collection Resources can either retrieve image targets from a .wtc file or object targets from a .wmc file. The file can be loaded eitherfrom the application bundle or a remote server. If the file was loaded from a server, no internet connection is required anymore after the loading finished successfully.


Specifies the URL that will be used to locate and load the file.

@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSURL *URL

Declared In



Specifies if the target collection resource is currently loading the file, or if it already finished (successfully or not)

@property (nonatomic, assign, readonly) BOOL loading

Declared In


– cancel

Causes the target collection resource to cancel any ongoing loading operation.

- (void)cancel


Cancel should only be called when the target collection resource is actively loading a file. Callind cancel after the loading operation finished has no effect.

Declared In
