WTRenderer Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in WTRenderer.h


OpenGL Error reference: Enable glGetError logging in WTCoreServices.h with the WT_DEBUG_OpenGL macro.

GL_INVALID_ENUM​, 0x0500 Given when an enumeration parameter is not a legal enumeration for that function. This is given only for local problems; if the spec allows the enumeration in certain circumstances, where other parameters or state dictate those circumstances, then GL_INVALID_OPERATION​ is the result instead.

GL_INVALID_VALUE​, 0x0501 Given when a value parameter is not a legal value for that function. This is only given for local problems; if the spec allows the value in certain circumstances, where other parameters or state dictate those circumstances, then GL_INVALID_OPERATION is the result instead.

GL_INVALID_OPERATION​, 0x0502 Given when the set of state for a command is not legal for the parameters given to that command. It is also given for commands where combinations of parameters define what the legal parameters are.

GL_STACK_OVERFLOW​, 0x0503 Given when a stack pushing operation cannot be done because it would overflow the limit of that stack’s size.

GL_STACK_UNDERFLOW​, 0x0504 Given when a stack popping operation cannot be done because the stack is already at its lowest point.

GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY​, 0x0505 Given when performing an operation that can allocate memory, and the memory cannot be allocated. The results of OpenGL functions that return this error are undefined; it is allowable for partial operations to happen.

GL_INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION​, 0x0506 Given when doing anything that would attempt to read from or write/render to a framebuffer that is not complete.