WTClientTracker Class Reference

Inherits from WTBaseTracker : NSObject
Declared in WTClientTracker.h


Client tracker retrieve there image targets from a .wtc file that was either loaded from the application bundle or a remote server. If the .wtc file was loaded from a server, no internet connection is required anymore after the loading finished successfully.


The delegate object that is associated with this client tracker object.

@property (nonatomic, weak) id<WTClientTrackerDelegate> delegate


The delegate object is usually set through the appropriate WTTrackerManger factory method.

Declared In


– options

- (nullable NSDictionary *)options

Declared In


– extendedTargets

An array of NSString objects that represent which targets of the .wtc file should be treated as extended targets.

- (nullable NSArray *)extendedTargets


The extended targets array is usually set through the client tracker creation factory method.

Declared In
