Creating 3D Tracking Maps

To be able to use 3D Tracking in your Wikitude powered application, you will need to create a so called Tracking Map. This Tracking Map is a simple file (.wtm file) which contains all the information needed by the Wikitude SDK to track the 3D objects of your choice. Similar to a .wtc file you might know from 2D tracking you later have the choice of packaging the Tracking Map file within your app or store it on a web server and let the Wikitude SDK download it.

Quality of the Tracking Map

The Map recorder and the 3D Tracking sample in the sample app both include a high-level quality indicator, when you record a map. This quality indicator gives you a first estimate how well the tracking performance will be. There are tree levels, which will be displayed

Check out the guide 3D Tracking Guidelines and best practices how to come to a decent recognition and tracking result.

Editing a recorded Tracking Map

During the beta phase of 3D tracking it is not possible to edit the tracking map after it has been saved.