
Setup Guide Unity Plugin

The latest version can be downloaded as an archive from the Wikitude website.

The archive includes a pre-configured project with samples and an Unity package (which also includes the samples). If the plugin is intended to be imported into an existing project jump to the section import Wikitude.unitypackage. Otherwise, continue with the next section (and skip importing the Unity package afterwards).

Open the Sample Project

The sample project included in the downloaded archive can be opened by adding it in the Unity Hub as another project. The location of the project is inside the downloaded archive's Examples folder. The Unity version for the project should be set to a supported version.

Two steps remain to be done after opening the project in order to be able to test the samples in the Editor or to export an application:

  • A license key has to be set
  • The build target has to be either iOS or Android. This setting can be found in the File dropdown menu by choosing Build Settings.

After these steps the samples can be tested by either building a mobile app or by hitting the play button in a sample scene. There are multiple live preview modes available for testing in the Unity Editor, which can be set in the WikitudeCamera component.

Important: ARCore dependency import for Android

If you want to use the Instant Tracking SMART functionality our SDK provides, you will need to download the arcore-1.29.0.aar file and copy it into the project under the Assets/Plugins/Android folder. The same applies for the Wikitude.unitypackage explained in the section below.

Import the Wikitude.unitypackage

The downloaded archive also includes the plugin and samples as a standard .unitypackage and can be imported through the usual Unity package import procedure. In your Unity project, open the Assets dropdown menu and choose Import Package -> Custom Package.

Select the downloaded Wikitude.unitypackage in the presented open file browser and click open. You should import all items that are part of the Wikitude.unitypackage. If the samples are not needed, the Wikitude > Samples, Wikitude > Prefabs and StreamingAssets folders can be deselected from the list.

Three steps remain to be done after importing the assets into the project in order to be able to test the samples in the Editor or to export an application:

  • A license key has to be set
  • The build target has to be either iOS or Android. This setting can be found in the File dropdown menu by choosing Build Settings.
  • Additionally, the following Player settings have to be set (by opening the Projects settings in the Edit dropdown menu and under Player > iOS/Android > Other Settings).
    • The bundle identifier for iOS and Android has to be changed to com.wikitude.unityexample.
    • For Android, the minimum API level should be set to 23 or higher and the targeted API level to 30. Additionally, the Scripting Backend should be set to IL2CPP with ARM64 enabled in the Target Architectures.
    • For iOS, the minimum targeted iOS version should be set to 12.0 or higher and a Camera Usage Description as well as a Location Usage Description should be provided. Later Additionally, the Architecture should be set to ARM64.
Important: Location Usage Description requirement

The location usage description is required because location services are used for Geo AR purposes in the iOS plugin. Wikitude uses a common codebase throughout the products and even though this functionality is not exposed for Unity developers at the moment, Xcode still detects the presence of Geo AR, triggering a warning if the description is missing.

Important: Building for Android 11

If Android 11 (API Level 30) support is required, additional settings might be required depending on the used Unity version. Please refer to the Google documentation therefore.

Use the Wikitude Unity plugin

After the Wikitude.unitypackage was imported, its components and scripts can be used to define a custom augmented reality experience. The example section describes in more detail how those prefabs and scripts can be used to do so.

Export and Xcode Build Settings Changes

Once the application is setup in Unity and ready for testing on a real device, it needs to be exported as an Xcode project for iOS, Android Studio project for Android, or Visual Studio project for UWP. Alternatively, for Android you can build the .apk directly from Unity.

Export to Xcode

iOS developers need to open the exported project and manually do the steps listed below.

  • Before exporting, make sure the Target minimum iOS version is set to 9.0 or later and Camera Usage Description is set to an appropriate message in the Unity in Player Settings. These settings can also be done in the Xcode project, but setting them in Unity will ensure it they don't get overwritten when rebuilding your project.
  • After the Xcode project was exported, the WikitudeSDK framework has to be added as an Embedded Binary.

After these steps are done once, building with Append or by pressing Cmd + B will ensure that the settings are kept.

Export an .apk file

If you don't need an Android Studio project, building directly from Unity is the fastest way to run your app on an Android device.

  1. In Unity open File | Build Settings...
  2. Make sure Android is the current build target. If not, select Android from the list and click Switch Platform
  3. Click Build And Run and choose where to save the .apk file. If you have an Android device connected, it will also install the app on it.

After this is done once, pressing Ctrl + B (Windows) or Cmd + B (Mac) will automatically create the .apk file and install it on your device, if it is connected.

Export to Android Studio

  1. In Unity open File | Build Settings..., check Export Project and click Export
  2. Ensure the project folder contains no space, otherwise you will have troubles deploying the project.
  3. Open Android Studio and click Open an existing Android Studio project
  4. Within the file selection dialog, navigate to the folder where you exported the project and select the folder named after your app.
  5. Android Studio may ask you to upgrade gradle, accept.
  6. Android Studio may complain about minSdk version and targetSdk version being set. Remove the line from the AndroidManifest.xml ( <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="23" android:targetSdkVersion="31" />), and re-run gradle.
  7. The project is now running in Android Studio

Export to Visual Studio

When building for UWP, the following settings need to be enabled to make sure that the SDK is compatible with Unity.

From the Build Settings menu, please make sure that:

  • Target Device is set to PC
  • Build Type is set to D3D
  • Build and Run on is set to Local Machine

Additionally, from the Player Settings -> Other Settings:

  • Graphics APIs is set to Direct3D11
  • Scripting Backend is set to IL2CPP

And from Player Settings -> Publishing Settings:

  • Capabilities has InternetClient and WebCam enabled

At this point, the project can be exported to Visual Studio. Once the project is exported, you can build the project for x64.

Unity Requirements and supported versions

Please note that the Wikitude Unity Plugin currently supports
  • Unity  2020.3.17f1 LTS or higher running on Windows or macOS - The Intel version of the Editor is required, even on M1 Macs
  • Rendering engines
    • OpenGL ES 2
    • OpenGL ES 3.x
    • Metal (iOS only)
    • Direct3D 11 (UWP only)