WTOpenGLESRenderingConfiguration Class Reference

Inherits from WTRenderingConfiguration : NSObject
Declared in WTRenderingConfiguration.h


Object used to configure OpenGL ES rendering within the Wikitude Native SDK.

– initWithOpenGLESRenderingMode:

The designated initializer to create an object of this class.

- (instancetype)initWithOpenGLESRenderingMode:(WTOpenGLESRenderingMode *)openGLESRenderingMode



The rendering mode that should be used by the Wikitude Native SDK. Please see WTOpenGLESRenderingMode for more information about the different rendering modes.

Return Value

WTOpenGLESRenderingConfiguration An object of type WTOpenGLESRenderingConfiguration.

Declared In


– openGLESRenderingMode

Provides access to the selected OpenGL ES rendering mode.

- (WTOpenGLESRenderingMode *)openGLESRenderingMode

Return Value

WTOpenGLESRenderingMode The rendering mode that was passed during initialization.

Declared In


– eaglView

Method that returns a pre configured OpenGL ES View object that can be added to the view hierachy. Please see -view in WTRenderingConfiguration for more information.

- (WTEAGLView *)eaglView

Return Value

WTEAGLView A weak pointer to an OpenGL ES View.

Declared In
