WTObjectTarget Class Reference

Inherits from WTTarget : NSObject
Declared in WTObjectTarget.h


WTObjectTarget represents object targets that are found by an object tracker.

x/y/z scale values can be used to convert the ‘unit cube’ modelView matrix into a box that covers just the outer dimensions of the object. Example: Consider a truck like shaped object target. In case an OpenGL/Metal cube with edge length of one would be drawn with the modelView matrix, the cube would be drawn without distortions in the center of the object. To render a box around the truck, x/y/z scale values are used to create another scale matrix that is multiplied with the given modelView matrix. The result is then a box that encompasses the object target at it’s outer dimensions.


The name is defined through the video file name that was uploaded in the Wikitude Target Manager in order to generate the object target

@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSString *name

Return Value

name The name of the object target


The name is defined through the video file name that was uploaded in the Wikitude Target Manager in order to generate the object target

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Defines a normalized scale value in x direction that represents the object dimensions proportionally to the uniform scaling given through the modelView matrix

@property (nonatomic, assign, readonly) CGFloat xScale

Return Value

xScale normalized scale in x direction


Defines a normalized scale value in x direction that represents the object dimensions proportionally to the uniform scaling given through the modelView matrix

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Defines a normalized scale value in y direction that represents the object dimensions proportionally to the uniform scaling given through the modelView matrix

@property (nonatomic, assign, readonly) CGFloat yScale

Return Value

xScale normalized scale in y direction


Defines a normalized scale value in y direction that represents the object dimensions proportionally to the uniform scaling given through the modelView matrix

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Defines a normalized scale value in x direction that represents the object dimensions proportionally to the uniform scaling given through the modelView matrix

@property (nonatomic, assign, readonly) CGFloat zScale

Return Value

xScale normalized scale in x direction


Defines a normalized scale value in x direction that represents the object dimensions proportionally to the uniform scaling given through the modelView matrix

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