Declared in WTArchitectTypes.h


WTFeatures define which features of the Wikitude SDK are used in an ARchitect World. Based on features, different device capabilities are required.

By specifying the required features when loading an ARchitect World, the best performance can be achieved.


typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, WTFeatures ) {
   WTFeature_2DTracking = 1 < < 0,
   WTFeature_Geo = 1 < < 2,



Specifies that 2d tracking is used in an ARchitect World This feature requires access to the camera. When using the ‘NSCameraUsageDescription’ key in the *-Info.plist, a custom text can be displayed when the camera access alert is shown.

Declared In WTArchitectTypes.h.


Specifies that geo based augmented reality is used where objects are placed on certain locations by providing latitude/longitude values. This feature requires access to the camera and the user location so please make sure to specify a value for the ‘NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription’ key in your *-Info.plist when using the SDK on iOS 8 or later.

Declared In WTArchitectTypes.h.

Declared In
